Chapter 10

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Neo felt empty and abandoned after Louis said his good bye.

Louis could not even give him an approximate time for when they would see each other again. It was as if the passion that they shared the night before had never happened.

Neo started to wonder if Louis was seeing someone else on the side. A colleague maybe? A co-pilot?

Neo shook his head. He didn't want to entertain such paranoid thoughts.

Neo puttered around the house trying to keep his mind free of negative feelings.

He was about to open his fridge to see what he could put together to make himself a decent dinner when he remembered something.

... or someone.


Mark had promised to treat him to a post birthday dinner celebration.

Neo pulled his phone out of his pocket.

He searched for Mark's number in his list of contacts.

He tapped on Mark's number when he found it.

What happened to your promise to treat me to a post birthday dinner???

Neo stood by his fridge door while waiting for Mark's response to his text.

A minute passed by ...  then two ... then three ...

Neo shoved his phone back inside his pocket and opened the fridge door.

=   =   =   =   =   =   =   =   =

Mark stared at his phone screen undecided what to do next.

Gawin rolled down the front passenger seat window and called out from the driver seat.

"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Gawin suppressed the urge to honk when Mark just stood outside the car staring at his phone screen.

Gawin waited ... one Mississippi ... two Mississippi ... three Mississippi ... HONK!

Mark almost jumped at the sound of Gawin's horn.

Mark shoved his phone back into his pocket, opened the car door and climbed in.

"Sorry." Mark said as he settled into the front passenger seat beside Gawin. "I got distracted by an incoming text."

"Was it something you needed to take care of?" Gawin asked as he started the car.

"Nah," Mark replied, suppressing the guilt that rose up his chest.

'The smell of Louis is probably still all over his body' Mark told himself. 'I don't want it passed on to me.'

"Were you saying something?" Gawin asked.

"No, nothing," Mark replied.

"Oh okay. I thought I saw your lips moving." Gawin said just before revving up his car.

"Where are we going?" Mark asked, his eyes widening as Gawin made the car go faster than was comfortable for Mark.

"To the waterfront," Gawin repllied.

"That's about at least an hour from where we are!" Mark exclaimed.

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" Gawin asked.

"No," Mark replied.

"Then let's go!" Gawin said, making the car go even faster.

Mark held on tight to the side of his window.

Gawin tapped on his playlist in the car.

"Pay attention to the road for godsssakes!" Mark scolded Gawin.

"I am, I am!" Gawin said. "Relax, Mark. I just wanted some music to set the mood."

"Mood for what?" Mark asked.

Gawin did not reply but kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Mark started to settle down as he listened to the soft mellow music of a piano. It sounded soothing.

"What is it?" Mark asked.

"Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy," Gawin replied.

"You like listening to this kind of music?" Mark asked.

"Only when I'm with someone I like," Gawin replied, his eyes still fixed on the road, his expression unreadable.

Mark suppressed the fluttering in his stomach.

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