Chapter 25

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A.N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Mark's POV

"I'm very very very sorry, Gawin!" I was beside myself with apologies.

Gawin shook his head and said reproachfully, "You are such a tease, Mark. But I went into this with my eyes open. I could tell that your heart was not into this."

I watched as Gawin put his shirt back on.

We had not even gone beyond the kissing phase of what we had thought to be a special night.

I couldn't do it. I just couldn't.

Neo's face kept pushing into my brain even as I felt Gawin's lips pressing into mine.

"So does this mean that I won't get to enjoy your beef massaman curry anymore?" I asked as I put my last bit of clothing on.

"You still can," he replied, "... if by the time you decide to come back I haven't found someone else who will treat me better."

It was my turn to shake my head but I smiled instead of giving him a reproachful look.

"I'm sure you will find someone else before I can even reach my house," I said with a loud chuckle.

When I got home, the first thing I did was to get my phone out of my pocket and give Neo a call.

Oh shit, I had a missed call from him. He must have called while Gawin and I were busy kissing each other passionately.

I quickly tapped on the missed call notice.

He didn't take my call. Dammit, was he sulking at me?

I tried calling him again. Once more my call went to his voicemail.

I decided to leave a message.

Hey sorry I missed your call. Please call me back. I would like to be in your company again.

I stayed up playing games on my computer, waiting for Neo to call back.

When half an hour passed and I still didn't get a call from him, I went and took a shower and prepared for bed.

Just before I climbed into bed, I decided to call him one last time.

"Hello," finally he picked up, but he was sounding breathless like he had been running.

"Are you on a treadmill or something?" I asked as I continued to hear him panting on the phone.

"No, I'm doing some jogging," he replied breathlessly.

"At this time of the night?" Somehow I could tell that he was lying.

"Yes, why not? I live in a very safe neighborhood," he said between gasping for air.

"How about I join you?" I challenged him. "I haven't had much exercise this week."

"No, no, no," he said quickly. "I'm just about to wind down my jogging."

"Okay," I said with resignation. "I guess I won't get to see you tonight."

My screen went black. He didn't even say good bye at the least.

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Aungpao's POV

"Seriously, Neo?" I asked in disbelief when he broke our kiss to pull his phone out of his pocket.

In fairness to him, he had ignored the first two calls. And I knew that they were calls from someone special because it was a personalized ringtone whose melody was that of a really beautiful love song.

Earlier I had finished three cans of beer and somehow I had mustered enough courage to start what I hoped to be a night of passion.

I managed to get him to lie on his back in his living room sofa and I had managed to get his shirt off.

I was thrilled to hear him moaning as I played with one of his nipples and sucked on the other one.

He was breathing heavily as I inserted my hand inside his pants.

I went back to kissing him once more. Then that blasted special ringtone came on again.

I tried to grab his phone from him but he managed to get his hand out of my reach.

"Hello," he said breathlessly after tapping on his screen to take the call.

A brief pause, then...

"No, I'm doing some jogging," he lied through his teeth.

After a few more explanations I heard him say, "No, no, no, I'm just about to wind down on my jogging."

I got off the sofa and started to make my way out the door.

I started to feel woozy, I started to feel the effect of the alcohol on my brain.

Neo quickly got up from the sofa, tossing his phone to the carpeted floor.

"Hey, Aungpao, where are you going?" he asked, making a move to grab my wrist.

"As far away from you as possible," I replied before running out the door.

I called myself all kinds of stupid while making my way back home.

What did I expect, that someone as good looking as Neo was, would not be in some kind of relationship with someone?

I went straight into the shower room when I got home and tried to wash off the feeling of sadness that had suddenly come over me.

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