Chapter 36

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A/N: The video above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on YouTube.

Third Person POV

After Mark slammed the door on Neo, while slowly walking back to his room, he started to wonder whether he had done the right thing. Had he been too harsh? Had he even been right in assuming that Neo had a new boyfriend?

As Mark settled into bed, he stared up at the ceiling, unable to feel any sleepiness.

His mind went back to the image of Neo picking out a package of beef at the supermarket. Was that package of beef meant to be one of the ingredients for the beef massaman curry that he had brought over to his house a few minutes ago?

But who was the guy standing close beside Neo with his arm draped around Neo's shoulder? Should Mark have given Neo a chance to tell him who that guy was and why he was with him at the supermarket?

As Mark lay in bed going through all those questions In his mind, he slowly started to realize how wrong he might have been in acting harshly to Neo a few minutes earlier.

Mark tossed and turned, trying to get some sleep but no such luck.

Mark glanced at his bedside clock. It was now half past eleven.

Mark got out of bed and went to the kitchen and turned the tea kettle on.

He pulled out a bag of lemon grass tea from a box and poured boiling water into a tea cup and dropped the bag of lemon grass tea into it.

While waiting for the tea to cool down he debated on whether to call Neo or not. Mark decided against calling Neo. He must be fast asleep by now.

=   =   =   =   =   =   =   =   =

Neo grabbed a box of tissues from the back seat of his car and tried to wipe off the mess from his shirt.

Just what the fuck came over Mark to do such a thing as splashing the beef massaman curry that he had worked so hard on, all over his front shirt.

Neo sat in his car fuming at the whole situation before driving away back to his house.

Neo vowed that he was never ever going to talk to Mark again. Even if Mark came crawling on his knees to ask for forgiveness for the wrong he had done Neo vowed that Mark would now be a persona non grata to him.

Neo let himself in to his house and went straight to the bathroom to wash off the mess from his body.

Before settling into bed Neo decided to have a bottle of beer, which turned into two bottles and then into three and then four and then five and then.........

Neo was awakened in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. While he was in there he realized that he had gone to bed too tipsy to brush his teeth, so he grabbed his toothbrush and squeezed some of the minty toothpaste on to his toothbrush and cleaned his teeth.

Feeling a little better, he went back to bed and promptly fell asleep again.

While asleep Neo dreamed that he was driving his car along a strange unfamiliar road that seemed to go on forever. There were no  turns or forks in the road, it just went straight on and on and on for miles and miles and then suddenly Neo realized that he was driving straight towards the end of a cliff. Before he could step on the brakes his car just went flying off into mid air and then the sudden feel of dropping fast to whatever waited for him below.

Before his car could hit the surface below Neo heard the intermittent sound of a buzzer. Neo was still in mid air so he couldn't tell where the buzzing sound was coming from but it kept going and going in his ears.

Suddenly he awoke and realized that it was his front door that just wouldn't stop buzzing.

Neo was grateful to whoever it was that was buzzing at his front door because they had awakened him from a nightmare.

Neo groggily got out of bed and walked sleepily to open the door.

When he saw that it was Mark, Neo promptly slammed the door on Mark's face and started to walk back to his room.

He had not taken more than three steps when his front door buzzer went off again. This time the sound was not intermittent but a steady buzzing sound that grated into Neo's ears.

Neo walked back and opened the door and yelled, "If you don't get off my property I'm calling the cops on you!"

Before Neo could realize what was happening, Mark was on his knees clinging to Neo for dear life.

"I was wrong! I was utterly, utterly, absolutely wrong!" Mark was talking against the fabric of Neo's pajama pants. "I should have given you a chance to tell me who was that guy who was with you at the supermarket!"

"You were at the supermarket???" Neo got distracted by the thought that Mark was at the same supermarket where he and Aungpao had gone shopping for the beef massaman curry ingredients.

"Yes, I was," Mark continued to sob against the fabric of Neo's pajama pants, unable to lift his face from it because he felt too embarrassed to show his face to Neo. "And I immediately thought that he was your new boyfriend! But even if he was, I don't care! I want to be given the chance to steal him away from you!"

Neo heaved out a sigh, all his resolve never to talk to Mark ever again, melting away like ice cream under the hot sun.

Then Neo remembered something.

"It's only four in the morning, what are you doing at my doorstep at such an ungodly hour?" Neo asked.

"I gave up on trying to sleep," Mark continued to sob against the fabric of Neo's pajama pants.

Neo tried to lift Mark to his feet but Mark stubbornly clung to Neo's legs. Neo was forced to drag Mark inside the living room before closing the door.

Then with all his strength, Neo lifted Mark's bottom and carried him baby style into his bedroom.

"You crazy, crazy moron," Neo muttered as he tossed Mark on to his bed. "That guy was my neighbor who taught me how to cook your crazy dish."

"Neighbor, boyfriend, husband, I don't care," Mark muttered as he pulled Neo down to join him on the bed. "I will steal you from him and will never let you go."

"I am all yours, Mark," Neo said as he lowered his face to kiss Mark.

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