laundry [ 2 ]

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Taeyeobi was getting dried off with a giant towel.

Nine smiles softly and gently takes the hair dryer and gently dries his hair.

Taeyeobi squeaks and pulls the towel around himself feeling cold.

Junji turns on the heater and sees a few minutes later, a fluffy haired tiny taeyeobi staring at him.


Taeyeobi sneezes and puts his hand to his throat, starting to tear up.

Junji quickly picks him up and gives him a little kiss to his forehead, he changed him into warm jammies and gently sets him over the heater vent in the floor.

The heat started blowing gently, as taeyeobi visibly relaxed.

Junji sat on the opposite side and read a cute book to Taeyeobi.

while Nine unplugged the hair straightener and the hair dryer.

Kyubin arrives back home with the laundry all folded.

Mill and Nine help him with the laundry

While Junji sees an eepy bunny, lay his head against his shoulder.

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