day with Kb 1

26 1 0

KB was getting food for dinner, when he saw Yoojung looking in the Jungi bag.

"What are you looking for?"

taeyeobi grabs sippy cup of apple juice and drinks it quietly.

KB awes and pats Taeyeobi's head.

"What should we have for dinner?"

taeyeobi walks over to the freezer and looks inside.

KB opens the freezer door.

taeyeobi grabs a chicken with chili flakes in the sauce

KB looks at it. "I've not seen this one before, should we try it?"

taeyeobi nods, and yawns.

Taeyeobi gets picked up by KB, gently, and rests on his hip.

KB tickles his tum.

taeyeobi squirms around, whining.

KB stops and smiles at him.

He gently takes Yoojung's empty sippy cup and sets it back in the Jungi bag.

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