cold [1]

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After a concert, Taeyeobi was really cold, he had on a muscle shirt and ripped black jeans.

it was rainy weather, puddles making themselves known around the street.

Taeyeobi tried putting on another blanket around him, but it was cold too.

While the bus was getting gas in it, Kyubin popped into the convenience store and picked up some medication as he has a feeling they'll need it.

He quickly looked through blankets and found one that was inexpensive and it could be heated.

Kyubin picks it up and goes to the main counter, watching the total.

He pulls out his card and taps it on the machine.

he puts his card away in his wallet and puts his wallet away.

He gives the employee a somewhat smile, as he was wearing a mask , and he wasn't feeling well.

He was very careful with everything.

He takes the bag and heads outside, to Taeyeobi.

he sees Taeyeobi wasn't warming up, he gets out the first aid kit and checks for a fever.

he sticks the thermometer under taeyeobi's tongue And waits for the beep.

He heard the beep and immediately gets worried.

"101.8, oh Jungi..."

Kyubin pours some fever reducer into a medicine cup in the first aid kit.

He helps Taeyeobi to take it.


Kyubin sits down in the seat by him, and lays the blanket around him and Yoojung.

taeyeobi falls asleep, coughing.

The manager gets back in the car.

"Alright.. who's coughing?"

Kyubin sighs softly "Yoojung."

The manager, goes to the back of the bus and checks, he had put on gloves and could still feel the heat radiating off of him.

"what's his temperature?"

Kyubin shows the manager.

"He's running a fever. I'm going to get you 6 back to the dorm.

Kyubin gives gentle rubs to Taeyeobi's tummy, hoping it'll relax him.


nine tiny pulled on KB's sleeve.


"My throat hurts..."

Kyubin disinfects the thermometer with a safe disinfectant cloth and checks Nine's temperature.

"101.7, oh boy..."

The manager goes back to the from seat and sits down.

"Let's get you boys back to the dorm."

A few hours later:

Taeyeobi and Nine were in quarantine together, a long with Kb.

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