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When we were almost finished I heard Lunas's howl. We both looked at each other and said the same thing " Lunas is in trouble"
When we reached there we were shocked. I was the first one to regain composure.
'An army versus us three, well honestly two for now, if things don't go well we will all die.' I thought while carefully thinking of a plan
Archine sat beside me in horror about what we were seeing.
Our friend, Lunas was tied in a tree and was surrounded by two guards. Our ride, the dragon was merely sleeping and those people surrounded him also but they were dancing around it like festival.
I thought a plan that was super simple and told Archine, " I will go out and distract all of them while you do something about the ropes. I will get his sword and then fight along with him and please don't come out until then. "
"But you will die there" Archine protested
"I won't " I consoled her
Archine protested but I rejected her requests. Finally she agreed upon my plan I got ready with my axes. Shortly after that, my grand plan started

Into The Unknown Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum