Dragon Escape

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The battle horn resounded across the colosseum.

The commenter started, " Good evening to all of you who are present in this colosseum. Out of all days today is a very special one and you definitely know what it is ..... " he yelled the end part and continued " On the right side is the son of our very own dear chieftain, Valkre and his friends." There was a huge round of applause and roaring for us
" On the other end there is a ferocious dragon, who is supposed to be a commander-in-chief of the dragon's army or I should say it was the second strongest of the dragon species." One could have clearly heard the booeing even from outside.

"Second strongest, bring it on." , I said

The gates of the other end opened and a 24 feet tall creature walked out in the colosseum. It spreads its wings and shooted fire from his mouth and not only that the fire was as blue as the sea.

Archine said, " He is saying about leaving their commander-in-chief in this hell. "

I guess that he was seriously pissed off when it saw us because the moment he saw us he charges with all his might which resulted his crash to the wall of the colosseum. We dodged that attack successfully.

"The rules of this colosseum is very simple, kill or be killed, that is , those three have to kill that dragon. ", the commentator announced

"Archine, you go left, Lunas , you go right ", I said " I'll go for the centre."

"Understood", they replied in unison and moved

My idea was that since I was the strongest I can certainly be the bait while those two hit that beast. But the three of us were in that dragon's tail range and he hit us with his tail like a fly (why everyone is so strong that they throw me like I am a fly) and i hit straight to the wall.

"He is strong." , I said

He was now shooting fire at Archine which she dodged by floating in the air. I thought that now was my chance it was now or never. I approached that dragon as silently and steadily as possible and when reached close enough. I hit it's leg with all my might but I was only able to make a little cut and by now he noticed me.

He turned around and opened his mouth to chew me alive but Lunas came just in time to save me and Archine with her powers took us back.

The dragon also stayed there. He suddenly roared at the sky and threw fire which was blocked by the invisible barrier.

"He is saying something about saving the commander" Archine said

"He wants to be saved" I asked

"Yes", Archine replied

"Do you know how they treat these dragons" I asked out of nowhere and i knew it was a stupid question but I asked anyways feeling quite sympathetic towards the dragon

"They starve them to weaken them and then make them fight", Archine replied

"Hey, that's way too unfair" , I replied

Soon I thought of something and said , " How about we get off this island by that dragon "

"Hey man , have you gone mad?", Lunas said, " that will make us criminals"

"They are criminals who are not treating them properly. I don't want to stay here for a while for the better", I said "if you don't want to come, that's ok I'll go alone."

"Dude, where would we go without you?", Lunas replied and turned to Archine and she nodded fully.
That's why I love my friends, they fully support me.

"Archine tell it that we are leaving from here" I said

Archine said that and the dragon again charged at us

"I guess it's not believing us" , Lunas said

"Then we have to make him believe" ,I said "don't attack him no matter what"

We played the tag game for quite a fly after that it roared again.

"Fine then, how to get our of here", the dragon asked (thanks to Archine)

"Well the barrier is said to be invincible but is it?", I said

"Don't tell me you are going to break the barrier", Lunas exclaimed

"Any other better options?", I asked " If there is then I would like to hear it."

That kept them quiet and I continued, " tell the dragon to heat up the barrier and crash in it and then Archine will ride the dragon and throw us up in the air and we will land the final blow"

"I tell you this plan is way too risky and what if the barrier still holds." , Lunas asked

"In that case we will all die here", I said

"You are willing to die for the dragon", Archine asked and even the dragon realised the atmosphere and turned around

"Yes, I am", I replied casually and continued " We have given him enough pain to suffer alone"

Finally Archine said that to dragon and the dragon said, "Thank you very much"

The commentator shouted ,"Look at those brave warriors even threatening the dragon with looks itself "

We hoped on to the dragon and the dragon then started his fire and with full speed it crashed the barrier. The barrier got a crack which already started to heal itself.

"Archine, now!", I shouted

Archine threw us up with all her force and we hit the wall as hard as possible but the wall didn't break and we were falling.

"I guess we are going to die here" , I said as I saw bowmen getting ready for action.
ment we were pulled back into the dragon and it was Archine and the dragon hit the barrier once more and this time it broke and started our journey started. The moment I rested in ease I passed out.

Next part coming soon
Please be patient and try to have a great day

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