The Colosseum Battle

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When I woke up, I was in the bed of our village's medical room. It wasn't big but was lovely and beautiful. White aligned stones and a once in a lifetime worth seeing scenery of valleys and a window garden at each window, peaceful music and wonderful scenerio. Almost Perfect!

I was covered with some medicinal herbs. There was no one there at that present moment and it was daytime. After some my father came along with my friends, he was a big and muscular man, he has a long beard and blue eyes, he was wearing an armor set and his favourite horn crown.

They got horrified the instant they saw me, looking at them. I started " Hi, father" and with a little pause" Hi, Archine, Lunas, What's up."

They were deadly silent. After that my father said " Son, please, for your own well being please act as though your are asleep. Otherwise they will force you to take the match."

"What! What are you talking about dad?" I asked
But it was too late some people came they were astonished at first but regained their compusure and said, "Come to the battleground after your talk. "
"But I am still -", I said but they cut me short and said " No excuses "

Having said that they went away, i asked my father "What is the meaning of all these ?"
Sorry son, I am such a worthless father i couldn't convince the people over there and they settled the time you will wake up you will have to fight with the dragon and that too the most dangerous one."
"Are you kidding?" I exclaimed right away
"But fortunately you will have the aid of your friends" he said and further explained my enquiring eyes "that is your friends and you will be fighting the same dragon"

"Well at least they have got some mercy" I said with heavy sarcasm and jokingly said, " Well, i actually forgot. "

My father asked, "Can you move?"

I replied " Yes but I am not certain about the match "
"That's why you friends are here for you because its not you own battle its a trio battle. " my father tried to boast my morale and continued, " Anyways I have to get going , to oversee the new lot and of course to see the colosseum of your match "

My father left me to my friends care aand after that I asked, " Where is my battle gear? "

They looked at me as though they know nothing but Lunas got up and picked my battle gear and my axes and gave it to me

He then asked, " You think you can pull this through "
" Tough question, mate " I replied

I asked them to go out so I can wear my battle gear. After I was finished we went straight to the mess so that we may eat 'cause I was hungrier than ever. After then I rested for a while cause the match was when the sun would reach in our straight line sight and there was still time.

Time fled and I went to the battle field

There was already people gathered to oversee my match and that haven't helped my mood but I still smiled. The colosseum itself was very big it has a so-called invisible and indestructible roof which is very high to think of. The ground to fight was very rough and I thought I am going to have a tough time with that. I was doing my streching while both of them were honing their skills.

Archine was a wind user who can fly and she can also move craters with the power of wind. Sometimes her powers even surprises me.

Lunas is in my opinion very good technician. He can almost make anything ( Well, of course it have to be something possible) he was sharpening his sword. With both of them I feel much more confident than before.

The horn echoed throughout the colosseum which indicated the beginning of a battle.

  Next part coming soon
Be patient and try to have a great day

Into The Unknown Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ