Land ho!

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When I woke up I felt I was sleeping in someone's lap and I heard Archine and Lunas talk in a very serious tone

"Somehow it all fell in his plan" ,Archine said and continued "I feel like he saw the future or something like that"

"Yeah, he said it was certain he( I guessed that was me) would do this." , said Lunas

"Well, let's not talk about it" , Archine said with finality in her voice " we promised him that we would not talk about our mission during mission.

From this all I concluded that the action I took was a planned one and I am already in grave danger but who was the 'he' Archine and Lunas were talking about and I also wondered about the 'mission' that is being given to Archine and Lunas because as I recalled our rule that no one can start taking up missions untill we prove our worth.

I remember pretty well that when I was a little younger I used to stare at those men who used to  take up those missions and bring goods and things back to the village. I remember my father praising them and saying, "Look son, they are the people of the Vikings. Strong and Powerful, that's the motto, remember it well in your heart. You must not falter at the face of enemy, at the face of death itself"

After the few moments of reminiscing the past I woke up like my sleep was just broken. I thought that it would be better if I let this slide for now otherwise there would be mistrust from the beginning of the adventure.

"Good morning, you sleepyhead" ,Archine said with a smile

"Good morning", I replied politely

"Do you know how many days you had been down", Lunas exclaimed

"Well, how many", I asked

"Nearly 2 days excluding today", Lunas replied

I gasped, I had never thought in my whole life that I would be sleeping non-stop for 2 days.

"Hey, don't say it like that it's not his fault after all" , Archine protected me

Archine was always kind and benevolent towards us and she always take care of us.

"Well, I am going to sleep for a while now" ,Lunas said

"Yeah sleep as much as you like now", I said

After some time Lunas went to sleep and we saw the morning sunrise. The sun slowly rising up from the horizon was literally beautiful and with a girl as beautiful as Archine with me it was making the moment more special.

At the far end of the horizon at the other side, I saw a tiny dot almost negligible to eyes. I asked Archine to tell the dragon to move eastwards and after some time we found a little island. In excitement, Archine kissed me on cheek.

"A spectacular view from here.", Lunas said who was sleeping on Archine's lap.

Embarrassed Archine lightly punched him on his gut and hid her face with smile. Somehow I wasn't feeling embarrassed at all and sat still at those drama.

I felt the excitement about the island in the same way as the excitement when I had to fight this dragon we are riding on.

When we reached the island Lunas shouted, " Land ho!"

"What was that for" ,Archine asked

"It's customary, the moment you step on others land one of your crewmates have to give this land- ho shout" Lunas explained

We landed in a blank spot within a thick jungle. I asked Lunas to stay over here and in case of any threat I asked him to shout as loud as he could. I and Archine went together because she have a good  herbal knowledge and know these kind of things better than any one of us. We picked up some medical herbs and much food but I suddenly heard a loud, clear and distinct sound of Lunas's scream. I and Archine glanced each other alarmingly and said in unison, " Lunas is in big trouble. "

Next part coming soon
Please be patient and try to have a great day

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