4: Plan-B P1

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"If you don't tell him then I will! Don't make me wait too long Minori."

"No! I'll tell him, okay? I just need more time. A lot is going on." I reply worried.

"Tell him or I will!"

"Be quiet someone will hear you. I'm sorry but I have to go." I sigh hanging up the phone.


I enter my parent's bedroom as my mother gets off the phone. I flop down on their bed and just stare at the ceiling and let out a loud sigh. I take in the smell of their room, a mixture of my mother's perfume and my father's cologne. The fragrances kind of bothered me but I need to talk to my mom about this whole wife thing.

"You're not getting out of this one Koji." My mother stated sitting down at her vanity.

"But mom I don't want to marry anybody right now. How can you and Father just decide this for me?" I ask irritated at the control that they have over my life.

"Because we know what's best for you and this family Koji. You can't just do what you want when you have a responsibility as the heir to this family." My mother says fixing her makeup.

"I didn't ask to be born into this family," I state and storm out of my parent's room. I have to think of a way to get out of this predicament. I do not want to marry the woman my mother and father have picked out. Walking back to my bedroom I get a great idea. I need to message Jaime Xie to get my plan in motion.


I sat on a park bench thinking of how to explain my plan to Jaime. I already informed her about what I wanted to accomplish but I didn't go in depth. I decided to meet Jaime at Shinjuku Gyoen National Park. I wanted to meet somewhere public so our meeting could get back to my parents and hopefully cause the media to go crazy. I just feel like my parents are hiding something from me and I fear if I don't find out what it is I'm going to suffer greatly.

Suddenly Jaime appeared in the distance and not too far behind her was the elevator girl. I chuckle to myself reminiscing about her falling dead on her ass. I didn't plan on Jaime bringing the elevator girl along with her but no turning back now.

"Jaime thanks for coming. I know we don't quite know each other very well." I greet her.

"Oh, I know all about you Koji, heir to the Sato family and other things." She chuckles to herself.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'other things' but yes I am the heir of the Sato family."

"They're going to let you run the Sato family next." I hear that annoying voice starting to speak.

"Well, they wouldn't let you run it knowing that you can't even balance on your own two feet." I chuckle at the irritated look on Miss Annoying Voice's face. She just rolls her eyes and folds her arms.

"Now can the adults talk please?" I ask looking in Jaime's direction.

"Hey, chill on my friend alright or I won't be helping you at all," Jaime states.

"Okay, Jaime I'll leave her alone," I say rolling my eyes.

"Thank you." Jaime smiles. I hear Naleia mumble something under her breath but I let it slide this time.

"Well, Jaime I need you to pretend to date me so my parents don't make me marry some woman I don't even know," I explain my situation slightly.

"What! Are you insane? Your parents would probably have me killed if I did that." Jaime exclaims panicking a little.

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