6: Koi 恋

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The Japanese concept of "Koi" weaves a narrative of romantic love, often associated with the tender beginnings of affection, akin to the blossoming of a flower. This nuanced term carries the weight of youthful passion, embodying the essence of love in its early stages, like a crush. An emotion as fragile and tender as cherry blossoms in the spring breeze. Yet, within the rigid confines of tradition and familial expectations, the bloom of Koji's Koi with Naleia faces severe storms, threatening to shatter the delicate petals before they fully unfurl.


I emerged from my father's office, the air still heavy with the repercussions of our heated exchange. I enter the dining room, where a tableau of strained relationships and unspoken disapproval awaited me. My eyes scan the room, expecting to see Naleia waiting, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I furrow my brows in confusion as I approach the dining table. "Where's Naleia?" I ask, my tone revealing a mixture of concern and frustration.

My mother met my gaze with a cold stare. "She left. It seems your choice of company for the evening wasn't well-received."

My heart sank. I hadn't expected the evening to unfold this way, and the reality of Naleia's departure hit me with an unexpected force. She knew I needed her to make this fake relationship work. Why would she just abandon me like that?

Fuyuko, still visibly displeased, chimes in. "Well, Koji, it's about time you faced the consequences of your actions. Bringing an outsider into our family was never going to end well. She's weak, she couldn't even keep from crying after Mother and I spoke with her."

Unable to hold back my frustration, I retort, "Naleia is not an outsider. She's a person, deserving of respect. I won't let you demean her. What did you do? Why did you make her cry?"

My mother's disapproval deepened. "Koji, we've discussed this before. You are to be with someone who understands our traditions, and our values. An Asian woman, not a black woman."

I feel the weight of my mother's expectations pressing down on me. "Love isn't bound by race or tradition. I won't let you dictate who I can or cannot be with."

Fuyuko scoffs, her voice dripping with disdain. "If I was the heir of this family I wouldn't be making stupid choices like this Koji. You're risking everything for someone who doesn't even belong here."

My frustration reached its peak. "Naleia belongs wherever she chooses to be, and I won't let you or anyone else belittle her. Love should be about understanding and acceptance, not conforming to outdated norms."

My mother's eyes narrow. "You're being foolish, Koji. Think about the consequences of your actions."

I stand my ground, my determination is unwavering. "I have thought about it, Mother, and I won't let fear, prejudice, or this family dictate my choices."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the strained relationships laid bare. My defiance echoed through the opulent halls of the Sato estate. As the Sakura trees whispered outside, their blossoms still clinging to the branches, I stood alone against a storm, ready to face the consequences of choosing my own path.

I exit the dining room without another word. I head outside of my family's home and enter my car. I grab my phone out of my pocket to text Jaime.


"Yo! What's Naleia's phone number?"

"The date went that well huh? Asking for my girl's number already LoL!"

"Fuck you it's not even like that."

"Also, fuck you for standing me up and sending Naleia in your place!"

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