Chapter 6

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Robin and Cyborg were in the living room slouching on the couch.

Cyborg: "Beast Boy! The dude is taking forever!"

Robin: "Well, he'd better hurry or he's gonna miss out on."

Cyborg and Robin: "Boys Night Out!" The two then howled.

Beast Boy walked out of the bathroom dressed up.

Robin: "Look at you, dressed up. Nice."

Cyborg sniffed the air. "And smelling slightly better than usual."

Beast Boy: "Ah, so swag. Cause you never know what can happen on "Boys Night Out!" He then turned into a dog and howled.

Cyborg: "We did that already."

Beast Boy: "My bad. Hey, did you guys ask Y/N?"

Robin: "We did but all he said was-"

Robin and Cyborg: "No, I'm busy training." They said while mimicking his voice.

Beast Boy: "Bummer."

Starfire: "Beast Boy, you have combed your hairs. Have you plans for this evening?"

Beast Boy: "No. Tonight is not about plans. We go where the night takes us!"

Robin: "Isn't that crazy?"

Starfire: "Oh, how exciting! I would like very much to join you."

Robin: "Oh, well. You see, we're, uh…"

Beast Boy and Cyborg: "It's a boy's night out."

Starfire: "But I am more than capable in joining in with the boy evening of revelry."

Beast Boy: "No. Nuh-uh. No way. No girls allowed."

Starfire: "But why?"

Cyborg: "Because you are not crazy enough for the crazy night we're about to go and do."

Starfire fake laughed. "I have forgotten." She flew into the kitchen and grabbed Raven who was holding a bag of popcorn. Then she flew towards  the training area and grabbed Y/N.

Starfire: "We are having our own boys night out."

Beast Boy: "Ah, you're girls. And Y/N's a dude."

Y/N *mind*: "She isn't…"

Starfire: "Then I guess it will be a girls night out."

Cyborg: "Uh… sure."

Raven: "We are?"

Starfire: "Yes! And you are not enough of the crazy to come with us!"

Cyborg: "Okey-dokey."

Beast Boy: "Whateves."

Robin: "Gentlemen, shall we?" They walked into the elevator and started howling as the doors closed.

Starfire: "What is a boy's night out?"

Raven: "Oh, you know, they hang out, make lame jokes, eat, burp, boy stuff."

Y/N: "For those guys it is."

Raven: "Okay. See ya." She tried to float away but Starfire flew in front of her.

Starfire: "But I can do the making of jokes and having the gaseous emissions."

Raven: "Uh, boys need time to be busy, without girls." She tried to move out of the way again but Starfire was persistent, making Raven drop her bowl of popcorn."

Starfire: "We do not have gender specific rituals on my planet. Tell, what do people do on a girl's night?"

Y/N: "Beats me." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

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