Comfort me🖤🎉

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"Next time fucking stop the drugs! Maybe you don't try to rape me!!!" I said and ran off the party. Tears building in my eyes. It was raining and I was all alone. I cried. I really didn't know where to go now. My parents live in another city a couple of miles away from here. My boyfriend was supposed to drive me home. But now, after he snorted his goddamn drugs, I don't wanna be in his car. He even tried to have sex with me but I just didn't want to and he did not think about stopping. So I just ran away.
Somehow I ended up sitting on a bench near a bus stop. It was pretty scary alone. The battery of my phone showed  5%, so I tried to call my best friend. But my phone died before she could answer hers. Again, I cried loudly. I was alone, alone in the dark, in an unfamiliar place. It was so scary.
"I'm sorry miss...can I help you?" A dark, tall figure asked me. I jumped. "Oh god I'm not going to hurt you, it's all good" he calmly said. "I'm Andy, what's your name? Can I help you?" He said and introduced himself. I wiped my tears away "I'm Ryan.." I sniffled. I could see him smile. "Beautiful name" "thank you ... and yeah... maybe you can help me" I started. "My boyfriend brought me here, drugged himself up at a party a few streets away from here and tried to...." I said but started to cry again. I just couldn't finish my sentence. "What?! Are you okay? Please look at me..." Andy said, taking my hands off my face, making me look directly in his crystal blue eyes. Even in the dark you could see their color.
"No..can you please just bring me home? Or at least away from here? I'm cold" I said, still crying. Andy nodded. We stood up and he brought me to his car. I don't know why he was here, so I asked. "What did you do here?". "I was driving home, then I saw you sitting here... I needed to make sure you're okay" he answered. "That's so nice of you...thank you Andy" I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. I couldn't help myself but this man was damn cute and also fucking attractive. Soon we arrived on his car and he sat me inside.
As we got to stop in front of a big hotel, my eyes widened. "That's your home?" I asked. Andy nodded "I'm in a band and right now, we are here for some band stuff like interviews, small venues and stuff" He smiled, telling me. I could listen to him talk for hours. It was calming. He just had that calming voice and personality. I instantly felt safe. Andy placed his hand on my lower back while walking me inside his room. I stopped crying a while ago, so my eyes weren't blurry anymore. I could see Andy perfectly. He was handsome. Fuck was he handsome. My anger, my hate, my sadness... all the negatives were just fading away. Flying outside the window. Like I said, he had a calming attitude.
"You look so much better without tears in your're...pre-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. He instantly, carefully pulled away from the kiss "Are you sure you want this?" He said. Goddamn could he maybe stop being so adorable?
I nodded and pulled him back in again. The kiss got heavier and more passionate by the second, till my naked back hit his mattress with him leaning over me. "Fuck you're pretty...even more when you're naked" Andy growled, admiring my naked body underneath him.
His shirt was gone already but I was working on getting rid of his annoying pants.

Yes, the night was crazy fucked up right now. My ex boyfriend tried to rape me because he drugged himself up, I ran into the night with teary eyes, ending up freezing on a bus stop. In the next second the man of my dreams stopped by and watched out for me and now I am having sex with him....
Don't get me wrong, I love everything about how it ended.

The second he was naked, it was on him to do to me whatever he desired. So he cupped my breasts and massaged them whilst kissing in-between them, down to my belly. He looked up at me, smiled and kissed me with so much love, I wasn't sure where this was gonna end here. I felt love... Not just an one night stand. Lord... He tasted so sweet and my heart was beating so calm but so fast. "You're so hot, little girl" he breathed between the kiss and then I felt his fingers rubbing over my little bean. "Mhmmm" came out of me. I moved against his touch. It felt so intense... I couldn't imagine a better way to end this night. "Now, please!" I moaned desperately and jerked his dick. His smile, so sexy. Not a long second later, he lined his dick with my entrance and slid in really slowly but really deep. My head sank into the mattress as he took adventage of that situation and connected his teeth with my neck. Andy was sending me straight over the edge when he first entered me.
But right after that high, a new low rushed over me and Andy noticed it directly. "What's wrong, little lady?"
I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, I really wanted that... You're a cool and smart guy and I definitely have something over for you...but I just can't focus on sex right now... Can we maybe just..." I mumbled.
"Of course, sweety. You could go and shower if you want to relax a little and then we could get to know each other a little bit." My eyes lit up and I smiled a little "That sounds just perfect. Thank you"
Andy guided me to his bathroom and told me how to control the warm water and left.
So I stepped under the hot, streaming water and let my thoughts fly. This man was so different than Colson. Andy was such a gentleman and seems like he would always be there... I really want to get to know him.
Colson was a picture perfect boyfriend too at first, but then he started to take drugs and went partying all the time with the wrong people. He started screaming at me, hurting me. I couldn't do that anymore and I think that my life was telling me that I needed to break up with him and that's why my universe sent Andy.
He was so different, so calm and nice... I'm sure he's a good guy. The water was running down my naked body as Andy entered the room. "You're okay, little lady?" His deep voice was so deep, that it sounded bass boosted in the bathroom. I jumped a little bit.
"Yes! I'm almost done".
I washed the shampoo off, stepped out of the shower, put on an oversized shirt he gave me and went into the living room. Andy was sitting on a blanket in front of his fireplace with a couple of snacks and music. Some romantic songs were playing. It was so romantic and calming. I feel so safe with him. He patted the space next to him, for me to sit myself down. So I did. "You're a romantic guy" I smiled whilst looking deep inside his eyes.
He nodded with a smirk. "You look even prettier without smeared make up and tear stains" the cute guy pointed out. That made me smile. "Thank you, and you look good in sweat pants and shirtless" we both laughed and talked till the clock hits 3am.
I was already sleeping as Andy decided to carry me upstairs in his bed. He himself slept on the little sofa wich stood in the bedroom aswell.
We both didn't know where this was going but I knew that the next morning I texted Colson to meet up with me. I broke up with him but I felt stronger than ever before.


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