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I wanted to make this to match the new skins for hendrik,Dulquer, The Dude,and Charlie because I legit love the skins' ngl.

It was a normal day in the mansion. Everyone was looking normal as ever until..

Hendrik: heyy!!

Charlie: ..

Dulquer: oh crud man. I look actually cool.

The Dude: aha.

Alonzo: is it just me or did they change??

Maverick: partner, it isn't just you.

Matt: yeah.

Dan: dude. Pinks my color.😔

Note: In my AU, Charlie is able to speak a bit but not a lot.

Charlie: yeah but pink looks good on me Dan. Hate to break it to you even tho I'm just a camera man!! Get it?

Mr.bones: wow! That's some good outfits, you guys!!

Hendrik: I told them to dress up like this!! (Ik Hendrik didn't but like, roll with it.😭)

Steve: to be honest, me and Charlie look like we match hats.

Charlie: .

Dulquer: ah! Alex, didn't you also have an outfit that looked like this but it was red??

Alex: I think.

Basil: damn they look fancy.

Raymond: they probably would look good on you to be honest.

Alby: oo..

Drake: hm.

Leon: wow.

Peyton: lowkey we should get minecraft hoodies!

Sylvie: mhm.

This was a small part. I promise y'all the next one will be sad. But lowkey their skins look cool as heck.

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