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Sorry for not uploading lmao. Anyway.

Raphael: omg.

Elliot: erm.

Frank: What.

Raphael: apparently Dan has ran off.

Frank: Where?

Raphael: off the island..

Elliot: how do you manage that?

Raphael: I have no idea.

Raphael: so, who's gonna look for him?

Frank: I'd say someone like Colonel or Ricardo.

Colonel: WHAT? WHY?

frank: because. You and Ricardo seem the smartest here.

Ricardo: Fine then, we'll find him together.

Colonel: mk.

Ricardo: sigh. Maybe he's drowning?

Colonel: hm. True. If he is, we will not be mourning him.

Ricardo: smh.

Colonel: I see a peace of his hair right here.

Ricardo: ah.

They grab it because their in the city, not on the island right now.

Ricardo: hey, Maybe he ran into a alleyway?

Colonel: hmm true but where are we supposed to find an alleyway??

Ricardo: I know exactly. Follow me.

They find an alleyway with Dan inside the alleyway.

Ricardo: there you are.

Dan: What ski boy.

Colonel: still the same as before.

Ricardo: why would you even plan on run away to this city dawg?

Dan: cuz I hate all of you.

Colonel: what.

Dan: okay grandpa. I'm going back.

Ricardo: Dan, when will you ever be any nicer?

Dan: .. when the creator plans on it.

Ricardo and colonel: 💀

They go back to the island and celebrate that Dan came back and didn't die. Wahoo. The end.

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