October 4 & 5 - Animals/Inspired by Folktale

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Skipped Oct. 3 - Spirits/Ghosts because I couldn't think of any ideas.

I might come back to it. Maybe. 

In the meantime, enjoy!

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"My grandma always told me stories of the dragons. They were beautiful, breathtaking creatures that could change form, see the future, and control certain elements. Each one was unique, and not a single one was the same as another. They were supposed to stay separate from us humans, as they were creatures of peace and we were creatures of war. There was always supposed to be a divide between us."

"And something changed, right? The divide crumbled. That's always the way these stories go."

"You're too smart for your own good, sweetheart. And I wouldn't call it crumbling. More like, a bridge was slowly built over the giant divide.

"It started when a little girl stumbled across a dragon child and made friends with it. That laid the foundation of the bridge. That friendship only grew, and since dragons live much longer than us, that dragon child was alive to meet the girl's children, and her children's children, and their children. The dragon protected her family for generations and he learned that humans are not inherently creatures of destruction. They just often do the wrong things for the right reasons or the right things for the wrong reasons. 

"The dragon shared this realization with the rest of his species, and over time, little by little, the dragons realized that they weren't so different from humans. Humans weren't evil, they just needed help. And most dragons were happy to help. 

"Now, some of the older dragons, those who remembered the terrible days when war raged over all the nations, were reluctant to go near humans. They were certain that it would end in disaster, that dragons would get pulled into the petty conflicts that inevitably sprouted and their pure, divine nature would be tainted. 

"The dragon who was friends with the girl, however, knew that the only way to stop the conflicts was to intercede and guide the human race to a higher level of understanding. Humans have the potential to be amazing creatures, because of their unique ability to create. Dragons do not change quickly, but humans can pivot and adapt and persevere in the most outlandish circumstances. We are stubborn, and do not give up when there are obstacles in our way. If we could only come together, resolve our differences, let go of grudges more easily, how much more could we thrive? 

"Nevertheless, the dragon agreed to not interfere in any big way. The elders forced him to wait. But he still found ways to help us, under the radar. Nothing big, just little things. He continued to watch over the girl's descendants and convinced some of his friends to become protectors as well, until someday, they could convince the elders to help us more."

"Wow. How long have the been waiting?"

"Thousands and thousands of years, my love."

"How much longer do they have to wait?"

"Dragons don't change as easily as we do, love. It could be a very long time." 

"Will they come down someday?"

"Oh yes. The dragon learned a few tricks from his friend, my dear. He learned to be very stubborn. He will wait as long as he has to until they change their minds."

"You talk like you know him."

"I do, my dearest one. He has protected our family for thousands of years. Someday, you will know him too."

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Partially inspired by a video I saw on YouTube. 

I'll link it in the comments (because I don't know how Wattpad links work :,c)

How'd you like? 

See ya soon!


Word Count: 607 words

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