October 19th & 20th - Sweet Treats/Soulmates

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I really tried to do the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, but I had no inspiration and everything I wrote turned out awful TT^TT

So I skipped to one I was feeling inspired about :D

I'm sorry, I really did want to do those prompts but I had no inspiration ,U^U,

I had inspiration for this one though, so it should be good :3

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In this world, this life, you find your soulmates through the half-heart tattooed on your and everyone else's dominant wrist. I, Mae Allen, believe none of this, even though I have a half-heart on my wrist. I'd heard of the whole soulmate business, but I didn't buy into it. I never believed in the whole "fated, destined, made-to-be" stuff, but I was forced to change my mind when the events in all the stories I'd heard about happened to me.

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The day I met my soulmate started like any other, with a chipper "Welcome to Cami's Crystallized Creations!" and a bright, welcoming grin that I beamed at the customers flooding through the doors at opening time, precisely eight-thirty in the morning. I faintly remember that my half-heart wasn't itching that day, which was out of the ordinary. It was also glowing slightly, but I didn't notice that until much later. The first several waves of customers were very unmemorable, and the hours blurred by. I remember it was around lunchtime, and I was about to take my midday break when a rather odd pair walked through the door: a woman in her mid-twenties holding the hand of a five-year-old. 

The woman had pale mint-green hair, a tired-looking face, and warm brown eyes. I remember she wore a camel-brown cardigan over a light purple shirt and a cream-colored ankle-length skirt. Heh, even after all these years my memory is still as good as ever. The little boy holding her hand had shiny black hair, deep brown, curious eyes set in an awed little face, and he wore a too-big yellow raincoat that reached to his knees. He was immediately enraptured with the candy store, and let go of the green-haired woman's hand to explore the shop. She sighed and walked over to me, offering me a warm smile, but keeping half an eye on the little boy as she did so. 

"Welcome to Cami's Crystallized Creations! How may I help you?" I said, slipping into my 'cheerful cashier' voice. I think I was annoyed at them for butting into my break time, but I didn't show it because, after all, they were customers. The woman looked around and asked me if we had candy hearts. I thought to myself of course we had candy hearts, it was a candy store for heaven's sake, what self-respecting candy store would we be if we didn't have candy hearts, but I didn't say any of this because that would've been rude. I just said yes and asked her what kind she'd like. By that time, the child had returned and was pulling impatiently on her sleeve, trying to get her to come with him. 

I was reaching for something, then the little boy squealed. "Ami! Ami! Her arm is glowing!" He shrieked excitedly, greatly startling both of us. I grabbed my wrist, then jerked my hand away because it was warm, it was wearing warm, and it was indeed glowing. My little half-heart was pulsing with golden light, the glow throwing strange shapes on the ceiling. As the three of us watched it, captivated, the light consolidated into a single beam and landed deliberately on the green-haired woman's wrist. She uncovered her wrist, and I saw a matching half-heart on her wrist, also glowing gold. Her beam of light caught mine and they intertwined, and our half-hearts glowed, then each filled out into a whole heart. I stared at my wrist for a moment as the light faded, then raised my gaze and caught the green-haired woman's eyes. Even though she still looked shell-shocked, she offered me a smile and her hand to shake. That was how I met my soulmate, Amelia Fontana.

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It wasn't easy at first. We were practically strangers. But, little by little, day by day, we got to know each other. She introduced me to her godson, Ryan (the little boy I'd seen her with in the candy store). We realized that we shared many similarities, like our fear of deep water and love of running. She was a lot better than me, but we had fun racing each other. Days turned into weeks turned into months and months turned into years of us enjoying each others' company. 

We never got married. We never felt the need to. Being with each other, relishing each others' presence, what more do we need? Oh, there were obstacles, of course there were. Parents who disapproved, even though the universe said we were meant to be. The societal pressure to have sex, get married, and/or have children simply because we've been in a long-term relationship. Amelia got laid off from her job one time. That was hard on her. Oh, and there was a period where I struggled with seizures, and got partially paralyzed for a few months. We've definitely had some hard times, and it certainly hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows. But that's what love is, isn't it? Being there for each other, supporting one another, even in the hard times. I didn't believe in the soulmate business, but the universe was right after all, huh? 

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Tell me how you liked this one!! (I like it a lot, but that might be just me :3)

- Vee

Word Count: 949 words

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