October 24, 25, & 26 - Nature, Emotions, & Injury

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I took my sweet time on this one :3

But I think it turned out really cute, so heh >:3

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Off the coast of Costa Rica, seven teenagers were trapped on the jungle island of Isla Nublar, the remains of the famous Jurassic World. They'd been stuck there for months, separated from their families and loved ones, who all thought they were dead. They'd come to rely on one another, learning each other's strengths and weaknesses, and forming lifelong bonds that kept them going in the hardest of times. Out of seven campers, a gentle boy who loved poetry and a boy who was comparable to a wild animal were the closest of all. So when the wild boy got hurt, he was in for a stern talking to. 

Idiot. You careful. Ian scolded in sign, alternating between bandaging Ben's arm and telling him off. "I didn't get that hurt, Ian. Just a couple of scratches. I've had worse." Ben reassured, slightly amused at the auburn-haired boy's concern. Ian shook his head, his hands trembling in distress. Know. You fell. My fault. Ben frowned, reaching out and softly brushing Ian's face. "That wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault. I fell, but I got back up and I'm stronger for it." Ian avoided eye contact, but Ben gently nudged the boy's chin to look at him. Ian. He signed, making two I's with his pinkies and linking them together, Ian's name sign. The auburn-haired boy looked up reluctantly, and Ben smiled softly. You care. Thank you. Don't blame. Ian smiled, nodding. You careful. The repeated sign only held affection, none of the irritated worry from before. Ben nodded, returning the boy's smile. "Fine, I'll be more careful. But you need to trust me a little bit. I won't die." Ian nodded in agreement. Not allowed. Ben laughed, looping his arm around Ian's waist and pulling him in for a hug. "Not allowed to die. Got it." 

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This is a lot shorter than I thought it was, damn :(

Ah well, still cute.

Lemme know what you think! (sorry it's shortish)

- Vee

Word Count: 356 words

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