October 22 & 23 - The Cold & Monsters

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I plan on coming back to the twenty-first, but again, we'll see. 

Rancher Duo AU, but it works as a standalone oneshot. 

I like this one :3

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Running in the middle of a blizzard was not a good idea. Jimmy could hardly see two feet in front of his face. Already, the snow was gathering in mounds around his feet, and getting higher every second. Soon, he was running through the freezing, knee-deep stuff. Even his feathered yellow wings weren't doing much good, though they were tucked around him as tight as they could be. 

Every so often, a monstrous face would leer out of the blizzard, and the canary would have to turn and run another way. There was a gash on his arm where a skeleton had gotten a lucky shot and claw marks on his legs where he'd almost trampled a zombie child. A dim light up ahead caught his eye, and Jimmy stumbled blindly towards it, desperate for even a shred of safety. 

It was a small wooden cabin, on top of a hill. He reached the threshold and knocked loudly on the door, shouting to make himself heard above the storm. "Please, can I come in? There are so many monsters out here, and it's so cold. I only want to stay the night, please let me in!" The door swung open mid-knock, and Jimmy almost whapped his host in the face. Standing in the doorway, a man with bright yellow-blonde hair that flickered like fire and warm red eyes was gesturing frantically. "Get inside, it's not safe out here!" He exclaimed worriedly, his voice raspy but soothing. 

Jimmy gratefully complied, entering the house as soon as his host moved out of the way. Just in time too, as a zombie claw just missed his tailfeathers as they disappeared out of reach. As soon as the door shut behind them, there was a loud angry growl and a couple thumps on the door. Thankfully, the heavy oak door was thick and sturdy, and it held firm. The man with fire hair even barred the door for good measure, and then went around and did the same thing to the windows. 

After a few moments, the thumps and growls subsided, and both Jimmy and the owner of the house slumped in relief. "We're safe now? They can't get in?" Jimmy asked, and his host nodded, a small, proud smile adorning his face. "Yup. Nothing'll get through that until morning, and by then, most everything will have gone away." Jimmy nodded, shuffling sheepishly. "I'm sorry about bursting in here unannounced. I'll leave as soon as I can." His host beckoned him away from the door. "Come inside, get warmed up, and then we can discuss all that. You look freezing." Jimmy nodded, and the kind stranger turned to go, then turned back and offered his hand. "I'm Tango." Jimmy shook it, bowing his head politely. "I'm Jimmy." 

Tango then turned and led the frozen canary deeper into the house, and they stopped in what looked like a living room, with a giant hearth against the wall. Tango knelt in front of the empty fireplace, and with a few moments of rummaging, there was a little flame that quickly grew into a roaring fire. Tango sat Jimmy down in front of the fireplace, the left the room for a moment. Jimmy could feel the ice melting off his wings and sighed in relief. Once his wings were mostly unfrozen, he carefully spread them out to their full extent and flapped them a little bit, allowing the warmth to reach everywhere instead of just the outside. 

Tango came back in, holding two mugs of hot chocolate, then stopped and smiled at the sight of the canary basking in the warmth. "Hey. I brought something warm to drink." The blonde greeted quietly, padding softly over and sitting down next to Jimmy. The canary welcomed the hot cocoa and the two sat in comfortable silence for a while, just sipping their cocoa and enjoying the warmth of the fire while the storm roared outside. 

When the glow of the burning embers started to fade and the hot chocolate cups were empty, Tango helped Jimmy up and brought him to a spare bedroom. That night, the grateful canary slept comfortably in a soft bed, safe and warm for the night. 

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Hope this brought a smile to your face today :3

- Vee

Word Count: 747 words

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