Oct. 14th - The moon

6 1 0

No notes, limited time, waste not.

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It was only once a month. Twelve times a year. Not even that, if he stayed inside at night. It was perfectly manageable. But as his bones broke and reformed, as his flesh contorted to fit his bones, it was the worst pain he'd ever felt in his life.

It was only one week out of the month. Roughly. Sometimes it skipped and she was safe for a whole four weeks. But it felt like teeth knawed away at her, and it reduced her to a crumbling, shivering, weeping mess.

There was no cure. They felt so hopelessly alone in their suffering.

When they met each other, they kept their curses hidden. She was enraptured by his soft-spoken manner and the careful tenderness of his movements. He was mesmerized by her constant motion, how she was never still, how she laughed and lived right there in the moment.

It wasn't until later that they shared knowledge of their curses. Her pain struck while they were watching a movie, and while he didn't understand at first, she explained everything. He then shared his curse, and though her first reaction was of shock and fear, he compared his curse to hers to reassure her. They realized that the moon governed both their suffering, and they shared something unique. It was a great relief to know that someone understood. 

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If it wasn't clear, the two curses are lycanthropy and the menstrual cycle (aka werewolf and period)

Has undergone exactly zero editing

Love ya


Word Count: 262 words

Flumptober 2023Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora