Chapter 20

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⛧⛧⛧Dream Dimension⛧⛧⛧

"OH COME ON!!" Emily shouted, "I was having really amazing sex, why the hell am I here?"

"You passed out from having an extreme orgasm. You got your wish when you wanted it to be a night to remember."

"Who the hell are you? And how do you know that? And where is the woman I talked to the first time?

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Johnathon, I was your second reincarnation. I know everything that goes through your head, as you are me and I am you. Also because I basically live inside your head. As for the woman, did she not tell you who she was?"

"She told me she was my original self, but she did not give me a name?"

"Well her name was and is Lygia."

"So why am I not talking to Lygia? And why did you bring me here?"

"We all decided that each time you came here that you would speak to a different reincarnation. Even though Lygia has lived in everyone's head and knows everything we all lived through, we figured it would be best if the reincarnation that lived through each life should be the one telling his or her own story."

"Good to know, but you still have not answered my question."

"I did not bring you here, you did. Like I said, you passed out while having sex from a severe orgasm. In the back of your mind you were still worrying about the information you were given earlier. You were thinking that maybe one of your old identities would know something, if not that, then maybe know how to get said information."

"So can you help me or not? Or do I need to have another intense orgasm and pass out so I can talk to the next spirit?"

"Ha ha ha ha" Jonathan giggled, "No you don't need to do that. I mean you can if you want. From what I remember from sleeping with them, I would definitely NOT turn it down if given the opportunity. I mean those boys are insatiable beasts when they are in bed."

"That they are, but back to my question."

"I can. When you wake up finally, tell the boys to look for the woman in the demon realm. Tell them to ask for a woman named Dakini. She worked in the palace as a maid, but in reality she ran her own spy ring. If anybody has information on her, she would."

"How confident are you in her abilities?"

"I have yet to find a time where she has been wrong with the information she had provided."

"I am assuming you hired her at one point in time?"

"No, she was my mother."

"If she was your mother, then why hasn't Sal or Manny thought to ask her?"

"They did not know about her."

"If you were their lover, how could they not know about your mother?"

"Like you, I was taken from my parents as an infant. When I got older, and the people who raised me died, I found letters stating facts about my abduction. I was 14 at the time, so I was old enough to be on my own."

"I am sorry about your family. No child should have to go through something like that at that age."

"Thank you, but from there I traveled and did odd jobs and started looking into my real family. But each person I found just sent me to someone new. Finally after 5 years, I found her. " He smiled as he looked back at his own memories of meeting his mother. "Dakini, was the dumbest smart woman I had ever met."

"How can she be dumb and smart? And should you be saying that about your mother?"

"Yes, I can, you will understand what I mean after I explain it."


"Like I said already, Dakini worked as a maid in the Palace. But she loved to play the idiot. Always dropping things, purposely forgetting things, and always repeating the rumors that she heard."

"Wow, she was clever."

"Hide in plain sight, that is what she always said. Pretend to be so dumb that no one will look your way or even suspect you could be a part of something. When she was "repeating" rumors that she hears, she only said things when she knew the higher-ups were listening. Usually ninety percent of the times, they rumors that she was repeating, was what she had started to begin with. I also learned that if you want to know what is truly going on in a household, palace, or even workplace, always ask the maids or janitors. They know everything. The saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' is true. You wouldn't think they knew much from the way they looked but it was quite the opposite."

"So how did you find out she was your mother?"

"We both knew as soon as we saw each other."

"Gut feeling?"

"Well that and I was just a male version of her. Just have me to put on a dress and a wig and we would be twins."

"So why did you not tell them?"

"We had agreed not to tell anyone for both of our safety. However, when I knew I wanted to be with them forever, I had planned on telling them. But then tragedy struck and I was killed. So they never got to meet her."

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