Chapter 46

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TW: racial slurs

Tiffany looked around at what looked to be her childhood home. There was the 40" behemoth of a TV that weighed more than her, sitting by the window. Her father refused to upgrade to a flat screen saying "There is no need for a new TV when this one works perfectly fine." In her opinion he was just too lazy to move that monstrosity.

She turned around to go back into the hotel room that she came out of but found that the door now led to her old bedroom.

"Did I just see a porch monkey come out of your room!" Her father yelled at her.

She did not even see him a moment ago and wondered where he came from. She realized that the good dream she was having has turned into a nightmare. Why else would she be in this house.

"We were praying." She answers him, thinking to herself that she technically was not lying, because she was praying. Praying that he would fuck her harder.


"No wonder Tiffany seemed familiar, she looks just like her father Darren." Saggun thought to himself. He had been torturing Darren's dreams for a few years now. "Maybe I should bring his spirit in this dream and torture them both."

"It is a sign of humility, to pray naked before the lord."

"Not with a moon cricket." He yelled, "You know I don't want any burnt crackers on my property. What will the neighbors think if they see such despicable people coming out of our house? I will not have them thinking we buy drugs or that we welcome gang members into our home."

"Hands on the couch, and spread your legs." He commanded her.

"I am grown. You can no longer discipline me."

She felt a slap across her face.

"Even if you live to be 100 years old, I can and will discipline you if and when I see fit. Now put your hands on the couch and spread your legs before I tie them down and open."

"Yes daddy."

She saw that he held a belt in his hands, and wondered where it came from.


She yelped when she felt the belt hit her ass.

"I said count. Every time you do not count, we will start over. Do you understand?"

"Yes daddy."






"Three!" She cried out.

The tears on her face only brought Saggun more pleasure.















"Now tell me the truth. Did you or did you not fuck that jigaboo?"

"No I did not fuck him." Again she skated around the truth, because she was not the one doing the fucking, she was the one getting fucked."

Saggun decided to shift into her mother in order to join in and have his own fun. For her it would only be another form of torture.

"What did you do this time to upset your father?" Saggun asked her in his new form.

"I did not realize it at first but she brought a cotton picker into my home. He left and she ran out of her room naked. She said they were praying."

"You are nothing but a little whore aren't you?" Saggun says.


"You let a darky fuck you and say you are not a whore?" Saggun says as he slaps her.

Tiffany stands there with tears running down her face as her cheek turns a darker shade of red.

"If you want to be fucked so bad, then we can arrange it for you. Maybe then you will learn to do as you are told.

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