Chapter 1

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Gish POV

"FUCK." I swing my hand down, stabbing the weak wooden table with the knife that was in my hand.

I take a deep breath, my other hand going on the same table, holding me up for support.

That fucking bitch, Beel. Once again he fucking finds a way through all my security to sabotage my day in any way fucking possible. And this time? He fucking sabotaged my food.

Beelzebub the Third, Lucas Ng, my sworn arch-nemesis had infiltrated my life once more. It appeared that he couldn't have enough of my wonderful presence. What the fuck is his deal with me?

I bolt up from the table, clenching my jaw as I feel my head go dizzy. This little fuck.

He knows how important my academical week is, I have some of the most important lectures I have to attend to these weeks, and I know exactly why he did it.

That fucking Beelzebub knows how much this matters to me, and we all know he'd do anything to sabotage my way into getting what I want.

I turn around, stumbling down the hallway as I try to make my way to my room, feeling myself grow more lightheaded by the second.

Yet through all the overwhelming things I'm feeling, an emotion shone bright above all.


I am going to fucking kill you, Lucas. Mark my words.

. . .

Beel POV

I couldn't help the mischievous smirk that appeared on my face, reading the message telling me that the mission was done over and over again.

"Heh," I chuckle slightly as I think about what Gish must be feeling right now.

She's been my arch-nemesis for so long, and I'd wish every ounce of suffering upon her.

And my goal is to make her suffering in my hands, every time.

For after all, I am god.


I laugh a bit, sitting down and staring at the large Anya mousepad that's about half of my size. I still wonder why the fuck my brother got me this out of all things, but I guess I'm grateful. It is pretty large after all.

"Hm." I look back at my computer screen, watching the Capitol TV server. It was quiet as it usually is, R is offline so there are no longer any rambles about school coming from her.

I sigh, putting my hand on my mouse and clicking the voice chat channel, watching as I slowly connect into it.

And now, I stay here alone for the next few hours, unless I get lucky and someone joins me.

And I'll enjoy this electrical silence.

The Things You Make Me Do. | A Gish x Beel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now