Chapter 3

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Jade's POV

I swore I would never fall for him. The 5'4" gremlin who gave me stomachaches, craved my pain and delighted in my misery. The food poisoning wasn't the only incident of his; a broken elevator forced me to walk up 6 flights of stairs to reach my apartment. The spiteful fire burning within told me to never submit to Beelzebub.

He was the bane of my existence, almost a god reigning over every other aspect of my life. The miserable aspects of my life.

Maybe he was god.

I hate how he's right

Lucas' POV


Gifts are my way of showing... my feelings about people.

Coincidences are just too perfectly timed.

What can I say?

I'm god after all.

Jade's POV

I guess a lot of people are probably wondering why we're sworn nemesis for life. Something about incompetence, something about cowardice, something about immorality, something about this growing tension between us. The details have grown muddled amidst this growing tension between us and its clear we're sworn nemesises for life.

We didn't start off like this. We were friends for a bit. He was almost a mentor of some sort.


Sentimental feelings... It doesn't matter.

The past is the past.

Time to focus on my hate for him, while Jas infinitely shrieks about "Geel", whatever the hell that is.

Enemies to lovers?

What a fucking stupid trope.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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