♡ Cold -

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( ehem, I just watch cherry magic and it got me blushing so freaking bad😭 )

( Office AU? )

Pok Ro, sighs: Bila lah kerja ni nak habis.

RyanSM, admiring him while standing beside the boy: Hm?

Pok Ro, in shocked: Ah!- Kau buat apa kat sini.

RyanSM, take the office chair and sat next to him: Hmm, ni *insert a random name* punya work kan?

Pok Ro, looked at RyanSM and nodded: Oh, mhm

RyanSM, take off his jacket: Meh, saya tolong sekali

Pok Ro, his eye wide open: Eh! Tak payah lah, saya boleh buat.

RyanSM: No, it's okay. I insist to help you

Pok Ro, finally gave in: Hm okay.



RyanSM: Sejuk betul kan harini?

Pok Ro, nodded

RyanSM: Saya boleh tolong hantar balik kalau kau nak.

Pok Ro, looked at him in shocked: Hah- It's okay, saya boleh balik sendiri.

RyanSM: You sure?

Pok Ro, nodded and was about to leave

RyanSM: Kejap!

Pok Ro, turn around: Hm?

RyanSM, walks towards him and pull out his scarf: Nih

Pok Ro, he saw the scarf: Eh, tak pa-

RyanSM, put the scarf around his neck: Alah tak pa, nih

Pok Ro, stand there in confusion

*cutely runs away*

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