♡ Captain -

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( Pirate AU )

Pok Ro as the captain ofc

Pok Ro, sighs: Bila nak dapat ikan nii

HatoroHibiki, annoyed: Ish, nanti dapat lah tu

Pok Ro, looked at him with anger: Eh aku captain ko, jangan nak menenking aku

HatoroHibiki, roll his eyes: Whatever

Pok Ro: Aih, nasib kau tu kawan aku ja kalau tak-

HatoroHibiki, ignore Pok Ro (tanpa rasa bersalah)

Pok Ro, sighs: Penat lah aku cakap dengan ko ni. Dah lah, malas aku nak memancing ni

In the ship's kicthen

RyanSM, chilling in the corner (Like zoro did-)

Pok Ro, notice RyanSM: Oh! Ryan!

RyanSM, open his eyes to see his captain: Hm? Oh, ada apa captain?

Pok Ro: Tak ada apa, saja nak tegur =v="'

RyanSM, whisper to himself: Tch, kacau lah dia ni- ehem-

Pok Ro, has that weird looked on his face: Hm? Ada apa?

RyanSM, shocked: Ah, tak ada apa my captain.

Pok Ro: Eh, my captain?

RyanSM: What? You are my captain tho

Pok Ro: Oh, betul juga. Eh, aku gi dulu tau nak cari bing kat mana, dia tak masak lagi nih

RyanSM: Oh, she needs rest so aku masak untuk korang hari ni

Pok Ro, tilting his head: Ah? Okayy-

Help, I can't stop make a romance/cute story selepas tgk "cherry magic" 😭😭

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