There's someone else here than us.(1)

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Horror Edition !!

RyanSM was on the phone. Scrolling through Tik Tok none stop. He's out with his two friends to eat. He has nothing to do expect be on his phone all day.

"Ryan!" Pok Ro yelled at him since he was too distracted. This guy lah.

"Hah? Korang dah habis makan dah?" He asked the black-haired boy with glasses.

"Dah, kau tu? Asal habis cepat sangat? Saja nak tengok phone?" Pok Ro seem to be a little bit mad.

"Itu lah tu" HatoroHibiki agreed with Pok Ro. I mean he's right.

"By the way, korang nak buat apa lepas ni?" Asked HatoroHibiki.

"Apa kata kita main UNO?" Pok Ro answered, happily.

"Tak nak lah, japgi dia ni tengok phone juga" HatoroHibiki disagreed since he doesn't want RyanSM to be on the phone all day.

"Hah! Kita main satu game mystery ni" RyanSM asked his friends. A MYSTERY GAME.

"Eee, tak nak aku-" HatoroHibiki refused to do the game.

"Ala, jom lah toro.. Lagi pun susah nak dapat tengok Ryan tak pegang phone sehari" He joked about Ryan being on the social media 24/7.

"Ish, okay lah!" He said it loudy. It seem like he's really scared but why not try the game?

"Hah, macam tu lah! Okay, game dia apa RyanMS" Pok Ro asked the pink hoodie guy, RyanSM ofc.

RyanSM slightly rolled his eyes as Pok Ro called him "RyanMS". "Game ni nama dia 12 Detik" He replied to Pok Ro's question.

"12 Detik? Macam mana nak main?" The long-haired guy jump into the conversation.

"Dia macam cari hantu tapi hantu tu yang cari kita" He explained. It's confused the two actually-

"HAH?" Pok Ro is very confused same goes to HatoroHibiki.

"Kita kena cari satu rumah kosong atau lama and start main pukul 12 pagi sampai 2 pagi" RyanSM is very excited to explain that to them. Boy, he want to try the game for so long.

"Pastu?" HatoroHibiki cut through RyanSM's speech.

"Sabarlah aku nak cerita, kau ni pun" RyanSM glared at HatoroHibiki.

"Okay-okay, sambung-"

"Pastu kita kena ada lilin and take care of the lilin supaya tak terpadam if not you'll get attack by the demons or ghost"

"If lah lilin tu terpadam, kau ada 10 seconds ja untuk nyalakan lilin kalau kau rasa tak selamat boleh tabur garam" Wow, that was a long explaining.

"Bapak ah, susah jugak eh?" Pok Ro raise his eyebrows.

"Kita nak main bila?"

"Malam ni kat rumah lama yang orang selalu cakap ada hantu tu" RyanSM smiled which a bit creepy to be honest. Nah, he's just excited. Idk-

"Siap boss!" Those two teased him and then giggle a bit. What a cutie :3

Game start...
(To be continued)

Apakah yang akan jadi? 👀
Sorry if the game a bit confusing TvT

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