"You got all the right ingredients except you loving me"

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Luisa (Luigi's) P.O.V.

I have been called numerous things. Shy, timid, scared, but the one that stuck was green Mario. It followed me like a leech. I tried everything to lose that stupid name. I assisted the Toads with a defective warp pipe. I grew and maintained half the power up supply. I freed Peach while Mario fought. But, at the end of the day, it was in vain. Mario got the parades. Mario got the parties. Mario got the recognition. And where was I? In the dust. So I stopped trying. I stopped going out of my way for them. And no one did anything. They replaced me with a new gardener. They had Mario fix the warp pipes. They recruited Toad to assist Peach. And where did I fit in? Nowhere. I was the foreign piece of the puzzle that didn't belong in the box. Mario still came home though. But I noticed it became less and less. It started with a month at home. Then a week at home. Then a day at home. Then he never came back. I waited. And waited. I tended to my plants and baked, fearing the worst. The mail toad came on Monday, six days from when Mario was supposed to arrive. And my world was crushed. I read the headline over and over, the words, "Kingdom Hero Moves In With The Princess" engrained in my mind. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I wanted Mario to shake me awake and calm me down like in Brooklyn. I wanted to be back in Brooklyn fixing pipes. But it never happened. I stood in the doorway, cursing the stars for this cruel twist of fate.

-8 months later-

Luigi's P.O.V.

I stood behind the bakery counter, wiping it down. After Mario left me, I had a huge meltdown. However, I was able to slowly recover. I began to wear more masculine clothes and cut my hair. I even had a mustache and changed my name to Luigi. Around 2 months passed and I got my bakery. I spent a whole month fixing it up. At first, business was slow. Since I was in the city of the divide (a city where the mushroom kingdom and darklands mixed), I got mixed customers. I learned that the koopas preferred savory, and the toads preferred sweet. I slowly gained popularity. I finished wiping the counter and went to lock up. I walked to the door to pick up the newsletter and grinned when I saw the headline. Apparently Mario and Peach had a kid. I knew what I had to do.

Bowser's P.O.V.

I awoke with a start. My cage was swinging about as a hand grabbed me. I let out squeaky cries of protests as I was chucked at the wall. I slowly regained my normal height, which made me a little nauseous. I turned to the person but they had left.

Mario's P.O.V.

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Mario wake up! Me and the guards can't find our baby!" Peach sobbed

I jolted upright and stood up. I ran to the nursery and stopped dead in my tracks. The baby was gone

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