No I don't want to bite my tongue no I don't want to sell my life

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"ma...ama...Mama!" Matthew said as he tried to shake his mother awake.

"H-Huh? Where are we?" Luigi asked as he sat up with a groan.

"I don't know but it's very...*pink*," Matthew said.

Luigi sat up and he had to agree with his child. The room was very garish, with pink walls, curtains, you name it. Luigi stood up and tried to open the door to no avail. He sighed as he went back to his bed and flopped onto it. He held out his arms, and Matthew took the silent request and crawled into his arms, nuzzling into his chest.

"Look, I don't know where we are but I'll keep you safe." Luigi promised.

"I know you will Mama." Matthew said happily, content to bask in his mother's embrace.

After a couple minutes the door opened and the koopalings walked in.

"Hi Mr Luigi!" Junior said happily as the koopalings walked over, each hopping onto the bed.

"Um...ciao [hello]? Where am I and why?" Luigi asked as he instinctively pulled Matthew closer, sitting up.

"Well we wanted to see you but my daddy said we couldn't, so we brought you here." Junior said, his tail wagging.

"But why? I barely know you." Luigi protested weakly.

"Well you're super nice, so naturally we want to hang out with you." Junior said.

"Does Bowser know I'm here?" Luigi asked.

"Nope, nor will he notice." Junior replied.

"Alright, what do you want to do." He said with a sigh, knowing that he was fighting a losing battle. Besides, what could he do?
Luigi and Matthew sat on the playroom floor, Matthew happily talking with Larry and Wendy. Roy and Morton were doing some wrestling, while Iggy played around with his inventions. Lemmy and Junior had taken up residence in front of him, and Ludwig was nowhere to be found.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Luigi asked.

"Well I want to show you my toys, and Lemmy wants to do some tricks for you!" Junior replied, bouncing with excitement.

Luigi nodded, that seemed easy enough. Just sit and watch. How hard could it be? Luigi leaned back as Lemmy performed his tricks on his circus ball, flipping on and off the ball with ease. After, Junior went through his enormous toy collection, showing his favorites. Luigi smiled and nodded through it all, occasionally commenting on what they were saying. After, the koopalings started to get worn out, so they headed to the kitchen for lunch.

"So what do you kids want for lunch?" Luigi asked as he stepped into the grand kitchen.

"I don't know, how about you make your favorite food?" Roy asked, leaning against the counter.

"That's a good idea. Do you guys have any allergies?" Luigi asked as he took out ingredients.

"Nope! Can we help?!" Junior asked excitedly, his tail wagging.

"Of course you guys can. Now, who wants to make the dough?" Luigi asked as he wandered around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients left and right. Immediately Lemmy and Junior's hand shot up, followed by "Me me me!". Luigi happily showed them what to do and gave them instructions to tell him when the dough was ready. Next, he asked who wanted to do the sauces, and Roy and Morton volunteered. He taught them what to do, the temperature for the sauce, and time for cooking the sauce. He smiled as he stepped back and watched, but he didn't forget about the others. He instructed Iggy and Wendy to make the tiramisu (with his advice of course), while Luigi, Larry, and Matthew made some cookies for the koopalings to have after he left. All thoughts about keeping this a secret vanished as he hummed softly, helping Larry with the mixer. He gently guided Larry's hand to mix the mixture as the kitchen doors opened.

Fun fact #1: It's my mom's birthday ♥️
Fun fact #2: These chapter titles are song lyrics

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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