That boy is bad and honestly he's a wolf in disguise

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Luigi's P.O.V.

It had been a week since Mario visited the bakery. Just thinking about it made my skin crawl with dread. The way he acted like he didn't do anything was disgusting. I sighed as I flipped the bakery sign to CLOSED, happy that the day was over and I could spend time with my child.

"Matthew come on! It's time to go!" I called out as I picked up the picnic basket from the counter.

"Coming Mama!" he replied.

I watched as he ran down the stairs, his red hair slightly a mess. I grabbed his hand and walked out of the bakery with him, locking the door behind me. I smiled at the cool breeze that blew through the air, a slight chill running through me. We walked hand-in-hand to the park, but he detached as soon as the park came into view. I giggled as he ran to the jungle gym while I picked out a spot for our picnic, eventually deciding on a shady spot under a tree. I opened the basket I brought and took out a blanket, spreading it out on the grass. I leaned against the trunk and pulled out a book, opening the pages and reading.

Matthew's P.O.V.

I panted as I stopped to catch my breath, wiping the sweat from my face.

"I'm getting hungry, do you want to have lunch with me? My mama always brings extra food!" I asked my new friend.

"Ok!" he replied happily.

I giggled as I took his hand, wandering around the park until I found my mom propped up against a big tree, reading a book.

"Mama meet my new friend Junior!" I said happily.
Luigi's P.O.V.

I glanced up from my book to see Matthew with Bowser Junior.

"Hello Junior." I said with a smile. "If you want, you can eat lunch with us. I brought extra to share if you are interested."

"Really?! Yay!" Junior exclaimed, tapping his little paws together excitedly.

I chuckled as I brought out three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I watched as Junior struggled a little with the wrapping I put on it, so I grabbed it and unwrapped it for him.

"Thank you," Junior mumbled.

I nodded politely as I began to eat my sandwich. I heard a noise of surprise as Junior bit into his sandwich.

"What kind is this?!" he asked excitedly, his voice muffled by the food.

"Peanut butter and jelly. I also have some fireberry juice to wash it down if you want." I replied with a smile.

I laughed as his face went wide with excitement. I grabbed the cups I brought from the picnic basket and poured some juice into three of them, handing one to each kid.

"What's 'peanut butter'?" Junior asked as he sipped on his juice.

"It's made by grinding up peanuts and mixing it with honey (I don't know if this is true but lets pretend it is)." I explained.

"My mamas cooking is the best!" Matthew exclaimed.

I smiled as I finished my sandwich and wiped my mouth. I took a sip of my drink as the sky turned cloudy. Wait. It wasn't cloudy a moment ago. I looked up to see Bowser. Great.

"Junior I was so worried about you! Don't wander off with strangers ever again!" Bowser said in a calm tone that surprised me. I expected him to go off yelling at the kid, yet here he was calm and collected.

"Sorry papa..." Junior mumbled.

"And who the hell are these people?!" Bowser asked as he turned his attention towards me and Matthew.

"He's my new friend and that's his mama!" Junior replied as Bowser glared down at me.

"Is that so?" He asked.

"Yes. Now, you can either have some lunch with us or you can leave." I said bluntly, not wanting to deal with him.

"In that case, let's go Junior it's getting late." Bowser said.

"But what about Matthew!" Junior asked with a stomp of protest.

"You can always come to our bakery." I said with a polite smile.

Junior brightened at that and waved goodbye to Matthew.

"Matthew why don't you go play a little more before we go home?" I suggested.

He nodded and scampered off, leaving me alone with my thoughts. God, I hate Bowser.      The way he acts entitled, how he commands like everyone should be blessed to breathe his air, all of it gets under my skin. I don't know how someone could be so high up in clouds, yet be mad when one of his citizens confront him. His kingdom is falling to shit for a reason. I sighed, deciding to end the thoughts there. I called Matthew's name, and went home. As I made dinner, the thoughts continued to plague my mind. As I laid in bed, they still didn't relent. Finally, I fell asleep.

(And for those of you asking, "WhY fReE bOwSeR iF yOu HaTe HiM," it was for revenge because now Bowser could do something nefarious to the mushroom kingdom)

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