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Thor and I stood in the training room. It was empty except from a punch bag that hung from the ceiling and the boxing ring. Mjolnir had been set aside, and his armour had been taken off, due to the fact that he needed to relax a little, before we would shout in each others faces.

       His body was slightly turned from me, his arms crossed. My gaze was set on the floor whilst I busied myself with twirling a piece of hair around my finger. I was waiting for him to yell, or raise his voice a little, so I was surprised when he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to me before placing a gentle kiss on my temple.

I pulled away so that I could look at him."Why are you apologising?"

"For what I have made you do. I shouldn't have let you come down here alone."

"I had Sif."

"I could not imagine Sif holding you like this, or kissing your lips."

"You have a point."

"What do you want now?"

"I want to go home...but I need to stay here."

"I must return to Asgard. Father needs much assistance in our plans to protect the Nine Realms."

"I don't know how much longer I'll be here. I hate it! I had almost forgotten how horrible it was down here." My voice had cracked and tears were starting to fall.

"Be strong my love, for it will hopefully be over soon."


Rubbing my eyes, I slumped further down in my seat. Coulson was still questioning the man but I had no knowledge of new information as I had been banned from being anywhere near the control room or the cell. The others weren't allowed to speak to me either. It was only Thor and me.

       He wasn't leaving yet, not until he knew what was happening with the prisoner. As we sat together I pondered my decision. Did I really have to stay here? It felt so wrong to stay but right at the same time; if I didn't help then things could go worse, but if I stayed...things were going to get worse. As much as I missed the silk sheets of my bed, the gorgeous food I was served each day and the love of those around me, I had to help.

      Coulson entered the room after an hour. He gestured for Thor to follow him. After a few minutes of them leaving, Skye came in. Once she saw me, she put on a smile and sat next to me.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Coping." I simply stated, resting my head on her shoulder, Skye instantly putting her head on mine.

"We will get through this. I promise."

"Please don't worry too much over this. I know you bend the rules."

She pulled away to look at me."Well look who's talking! How many rules have you broken in S.H.I.E.L.D? Or Asgard for that matter?"

"Fine, you got me. But this is very serious. A war could start from this."

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