To Asgard

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He stood there, looking mighty as ever. I didn't know what to say or what to do, I was numb. We spent a minute or two just staring at each other before he took a couple of slow steps in my direction, stopping in front of me.

"Oh my god." I breathed out,"Y-you're here. I'm not dreaming am I?"

"No, you aren't." He laughed, his voice deep.

His laugh quickly stopped and he looked behind him. The creature was getting to it's feet again.

"Hold onto me." He instructed and I did so as he shouted to the sky."Heimdall!"

Suddenly, the beam of light from before appeared again. I saw the different colours, having to close my eyes so that I didn't start to feel dizzy. Opening my eyes just in time to witness some stumbling as we came to a stop. We were in a golden dome which was engraved with different circular patterns, it had stopped spinning to let me study the details further.

"Welcome to Asgard." Someone spoke from behind me. I turned to face them, a man in golden armour was standing in the middle of the dome on a platform, holding a sword.

"Asgard? Wait, you mean I just traveled through space? That was the Bifrost!?" I asked in excitement.

I heard Thor chuckle behind me."Heimdall is the gatekeeper to Asgard, he can see anything and everything in multiple universes. Come, I have much to show you." He said.

Asgard was like nothing I had ever seen before. The buildings and the palace were so beautiful, beyond any architecture I had seen. The sky was filled with stars, even in broad daylight, and the occasional galaxy swirl. It was a truly magnificent kingdom. I remember all of the times that Thor had described it to me though I was still amazed by it all.

Thor had guided me through the town filled with markets. The people of Asgard bowed for their prince, eyeing me as soon as they stood up again. I must have stood out a lot, especially with my clothing, and the state of my hair must have been awful. It was as if I had stepped back in time to medieval England but everything was clean and beautiful. I got the same strange looks from the servants in the palace. It was me that was an alien on this world. Whether this was just a trip or a long weekend get away I wasn't too sure, though I couldn't just drop everything at S.H.I.E.L.D, could I?

"Thor, how did you know where I was? How did you know I was being attacked?" I asked him as we walked outside.

The landscape was breathtaking, a large lake leading to the sea which was surrounded by giant cliffs and other magnificent buildings around the palace. We walked down a few steps and onto a balcony, overlooking the whole landscape.

"I kept watch over you, whilst I was away. When I returned, I asked Heimdall to look over you. He had told me what you were like and I've been asking after you ever since."

"Wow, I-I don't know what to say. Thank you." There was a moment of silence,"Why didn't you come back? Even for a visit? I thought you had forgotten about me."

"I could never forget you, Bethan. And the reason I couldn't come back was because I had duties here. I was to make sure that all the nine realms were safe after my absence. I could have also put you at risk with S.H.I.E.L.D. They may have thought the worst if I came back just for you."

"Thank you for looking out for me. But I thought all of the nine realms business was down to your dad? You see, I remember your stories."

He smiled before saying."Father thought it would be wise to send me to all the realms, make a good image for myself. That way, the people of those realms might have faith in me when I am to be king. "

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