Chapter 20

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- Jake -

Jake halted long enough at the stairs to look down at the entrance area for a second and determine how wrong exactly things had turned out.

The second army had made it onto the inner court. Royal guards, the Earl's soldiers, the farmers. The castle was rustling full of people at war with each other. As expected from the young Earl, he had iron determination and a lust for bloodshed challenging Nathaniel's.

Jake glanced at the demon.

He was covered in his victim's remains from head to toe. His before white shirt was stained blood red and no matter how much Jake tried not to dwell on it, he could not help but shudder.

The demon gave Jake a smirk. "Think you can do without me now?" he said.

Jake gave a quick nod. He had hoped for less resistance, hoped for less slaughter. But they had been discovered way too early and had needed the demon's strength to fight the way through.

Nathaniel nodded as well and moved to find his true goal of the night as planned. Jake watched him sneak away like a wild animal hunting for innocent prey. Hopefully the demon would not discover much.

"I'm on my way too," Annabelle huffed. She waved for her assigned group of men and. They broke away to gather all necessary court members in place to force them to a coronation ceremony as soon as the King was dead.

Jake signed his own men to get in line. In formation they strode towards the King's quarters.

The corridor seemed endless. Jake had almost reached his goal, yet it couldn't feel further away. His heart was wild and heavy. Resolve, dread, hope, guilt, joy, he couldn't tell what emotion had his blood racing.

Finally in front of the door, Jake signed his men to stop for a moment. Then they fell in with battle cries but startled to a halt.

There was nothing.

The room was empty.

Jake cursed.

They had been too slow. The coup was going to fail.

Upon turning back, the trap fell shut. The King's soldiers stormed the entrance to the room.

Jake rose his sword for the fight.

One soldier stormed him head on, one tackled from the left. Jake spun around to strike one down, but the other one slashed a cut open on Jake's chest. He fell to his knees, the pain shot through his body and burned away all thoughts in his head. His breath startled and he choked. Blood spilled on the floor.

The soldier rose to strike Jake again. He grabbed for his sword and pushed it into the soldier's gut head on. But another slash cut Jake's shoulder and he lost all feelings in his arm.

Jake forced himself on his feet, but stumbled before he caught himself again. His head was spinning.

One of his men rushed to support him. He cursed plenty insults for the bastard King, then threatened to lose hope on the cause upon spotting all of Jake's spilled blood.

"I am fine," Jake pressed out. He patted the soldier's back and indeed managed to stand on his own again. "It looks worse than it is," Jake tried to convince the gawking man, but most likely failed. He had no time to worry about it or even explain that a demon's curse prevented him from dying, even if fatally wounded.

The next soldier attacked.


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