Chapter 1 - Ghosts and Monsters

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Lights were blaring, alarms were going off, men in thick armor were running down bright white halls with guns. Scratch marks on the wall and bullet holes and yelling could be heard in the distance and growling and a scientist runs down the hall and makes a call on his phone running into an office.

"This is Dr. Fitzgerald, I need this facility locked down now! Hurry before it escapes!" he says as he looks around. "What do you mean I need to do it manually?! Are you fucking kidding me? Piece of shit! OK I can do this."

he runs outside the office looking around and runs down the hall and as he runs something follows and it hunts him with him not realizing its there. He runs down the hall making it to a door and he starts entering a code and the door opens and reluctantly walks through with what was after him follow him in. he walks up to a computer in the room and starts sifting through it.

"stupid evacuation protocols," He said as he was preparing the system as the creature was looking at him and it growled. "Now all I need is....oh shit."

he turns and look at the creature and through its eyes it is locked on and he freezes as to not aggravate it.

"hey, its OK im not going to hurt you OK?" He said as the creature growled and he slowly reached behind him. "Calm down, I want to help you. You dont have to be scared."

The creature sees him reach for a button and attacks him and the there is some screaming and soon the button and gets covered in blood.


in a urban area of a town outside Denver Colorado, two men Davis and his friend Jason are walking together. They had just come from a party but left together and started to head home and they ended up in a suburban neighborhood and Davis was looking down as if his head was heavy but Jason did not pick on this right away.

"Dope party, its a shame we left early." Jason said as they walked together.

"Yeah dope," Davis said as he lifted his head. "i'm not one for parties."

"You're not one for anything man," He said with a sarcastic chuckle. "You have no idea how many girls were looking at you."

"Yeah I saw," He said with a soft smile. "So what do you want to do now?"

"I'm not sure, A lot of places are closed," Jason said as they kept walking. "You probably dont want to go home because of your dad."

"It sucks." Davis said somberly.

"Still can't get over loosing your mom?" Jason said with a comforting tone.

"He blames me," Davis said as he went silent. "Lets just not talk about this."

As they walked Davis saw an abandoned house and slowly walked up to it and Jason watched with confusion as Davis walked up the steps. Davis turned and looked at him recognising his confusion and chuckled a little in the awkward moment.

"You living here now?" Jason said sarcastically.

"No no, I just come here to draw when I need to get out of the house," Davis said as he leaned on the balcony. "If you want to go home I won't scold you for it."

"you sure?" Jason said with concern. "I don't want you to be alone."

"Yeah I'm sure," He said with a gentle nod. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you later man." He waves good bye and walks down the road and Davis heads into the house.

He walks around and finds his usual spot in the house and pulls out his sketchbook and his pencil and began to brainstorm a picture. He sighed in frustration as he couldn't think of something and he stood up and walked around. As he paced around when suddenly the floor breaks and he screams and falls into a dark tunnel and groans in pain. He looks around and its almost pitch black and so he pulls out his phone and looks around but in the distance. But against his knowledge something starts crawling towards him but even with his flash light he cant see. The creature slowly gets up to him as rats run by his feet and he freezes and turns and is met with two glowing eyes and soon he was tackled to the ground and the creature roared in his face.

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