Chapter 5 - Love and Blood

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 It's been a few days, Davis and Lucy are in bed together and Lucy has been much calmer as she sleeps but one morning she wakes up and Davis is still asleep, and she lays there smiling and stares at him. Davis, sensing she's looking at him, starts to wake up and as he opens his eyes, he is greeted by hers. He smiles and for a moment he doesn't speak and just looks at her and she smiles bigger.

"Hi...." He said as Lucy stayed silent. "Did you sleep OK?"

"She did," She said as Davis leaned forward and kissed her. "Hmmm."

"Hopefully dad is gone," He said as he started to get up but Lucy grabbed him and held him down and kissed him. "Hey....come on I gotta get up."

"She wants him to stay home." She said as she wrapped around him.

"I know but I have a game today I need to prepare for, I can't miss it," He said as he chuckled. "If everything goes well we might be able to get out of here."

"Really?" She said as she smiled.

"Yeah, and we can get away from my dad," He said as he cuddled her. "But you gotta let me go."

"Ok...." She said with sadness and he stood up. "Will he be gone long?"

"Same amount of time baby," He said as he went to his backpack. "Here come take a look at this."

"What?" She said as she got out of bed and went to him.

"Remember when we were sitting under that tree and I took a picture?" He said as she nodded and he pulled out an envelope. "Well I had it printed."

Davis opened the envelope and it was filled with pictures and he pulled out the one with him and he under the tree and handed it to her. She took it and looked at it and smiled seeing them with that memory in her mind. Davis hugged her from behind as he also looked at the picture and he kissed her cheek.

"Just in case you get lonely while I'm gone," He said as she looked at him. "I want you to have something to smile about."

"Thanks." She said as she smiled and put it in her pocket.

"I better get ready to go," He said as he grabbed his clothes and organized his things. "So you remember the plan?"

"She feel unsafe she run," she said as she sat on the bed. "But where will she go?"

"just....go back to the tunnel or something. I'll check there on my way home OK?" He said as he put his backpack on. "I just want you to be safe."

"She will be safe," She said as she smiles. "She promise."

"Good," He said as he kissed her softly and she kissed back. "I'll see you later OK?"

"He be safe too?" She asked with a quizzical look.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." he said as he headed out and left for school.

Lucy laid in bed and looked at the picture of her and Davis and Davis went about his day thinking about Lucy. Hours passed and Davis at lunch was getting ready for his game at school and walked out in his school team uniform and started practicing moves. His coach came up to him and Davis looked at him. Davis got nervous and took a deep breath as he tried to focus but couldn't stop thinking of Lucy.

"Alright reno this is your big night," He said as he put his hand on his shoulder. "You seem distracted."

"Just nervous about this," He said nervously. "I wish my mom was here to watch this."

"I'm sure she will be here in spirit, son." He said as he patted his back and walked off.

"Hey Davis!" Someone said as Davis looked and saw Jason.

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