Chapter 2 - Sheep in Wolves Fur

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 Davis was frozen in place but as he tried to turn around the creature grabbed his shoulder stopping him from turning and soon he felt breath on his neck and in his ear he heard sniffing. The creature was smelling him like a dog and growled when ever he tries to look and after a minute the creature backs up and hides in the shadows and Davis turns and see the eyes again and stares at them. He sits on the ground to the creatures level and sits in the dirt and they sit in silence for a moment.

"Holy shit," He says softly surprising the creature causing it to growl. "Woah not gonna hurt you. Can you understand me?"

The creature continues to stare not breaking eye contact.

"My name is Davis," He said as he put his hand on his chest. "What's your name?"

"Why Davis come back?" She said to his surprise.

"So you can talk?" He said as his eyes widened then he composed himself. "I came here because I was curious about you. As much as you scared me. I felt like I needed to see you again."

"What does he want with her?" She said as her speech confused Davis.

"Her?" He said as he realized. "Oh you are talking about you. Funny way of talking."

"Why he want her?" She said in a more demanding tone. "He not smell like them."

"Who?" Davis asked as he tilted his head.

"The white men," she said as her eye contact broke and she looked around then back at him. "The ones who hurt her."

"The white men?" He said as he moved closer as she moved back. "It's OK. Im not those people. I wont hurt you. I promise."

"People hurt her when they see her," She said sternly. "Why he not scared?"

"You surprised me before and I was a little scared," He said softly. "But you couldn't be scarier than my dad. I'm gonna step back. You don't have to show yourself but I just want to know what you are."

Davis stepped back into and under the hole he fell through where light was shining and sat down again and looked at her. She stared back at him and for a few minutes she sat there but eventually she stepped closer and stopped at the light and briefly caught a glimpse of her face. She then hesitantly stepped into the light and she sees her clearly, a young woman with orange fur, whiskers, a feline like face and short bushy hair and could see claws on her hands and a tail as she sat down.

"Wow," Davis said in awe. "What....Are you?"

"She not know," She said as she played in the dirt. "She wake up. She see white men, she sleep."

"Hmmm," Davis said and started to move closer but the girl backs up. "It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Why he get close?" She asked with suspicion.

"I just want a good look at you," He reached for her face and touches her. "Wow. You're really soft."

The girl feeling his warmth closed her eyes and massaged against his hand and smiled making Davis smile. Davis stroked her face a little and backed his hand away and the two of them just stared at each other. Suddenly Davis' phone rang and the girl became spooked and she took off running kicking dirt in Davis' face and he fell back. He coughed wiping the dirt from his eyes and looked seeing her gone.

"Hold on wait!" He yelled out to her. "It was just my phone.....Shit."

He waited, waiting there for her to come back but when she didn't he sighed with regret and stood up and left heading to school. When he got to school he couldn't focus as he thought of the cute girl he met in the tunnel and whipped out his sketch book and began to draw her from memory doing a basic sketch of her sitting in the tunnel under the low light. But his drawing caught the attention of his teacher who slammed on the desk.

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