Music Lesson (Lara x Gender Neutral Reader)

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Guitar was Y/n's therapy, other than Lara, of course. A cheap, banged up acoustic guitar they've had since their early teens, but they still enjoyed playing it until their fingers ached from time to time. Lara loved the sound of it as well, she loved to listen in on Y/n whenever they would be playing. Sometimes, they would even hum or sing quietly to the tune of whatever song they were playing, often sending Lara to sleep.

"I'm home!" They called out to the sprawling halls of the Croft Manor, expecting to hear something from their girlfriend, but nothing came. Winston emerged from a nearby room to greet Y/n.

"Hello, Master L/n. How was your day?" He asked as Y/n locked the door behind them.

"Bit boring honestly. Half the people didn't even show up." They responded.

"A shame. Would you like a drink? Some tea?"

"Oh, no thank you, Winston. Do you know where Lara is?"

Winston smiled at Y/n's question.

"She's in the master bedroom. I think you ought to see how she is doing for yourself. Don't worry, nothing is wrong but I think she'd like to see you." He answered. Y/n gave him a questioning look, furrowing their brow before they walked up the stairs to get to their room, only to be met with a pleasant smile on Winston's face.

Stopping at their bedroom door, they could hear the sound of a guitar playing. 'She must be listening to music.' Y/n thought to themself. Suddenly, the music made an abrupt stop and sounds of cursing was heard from the inside. They opened the door peeking their head in the room, stunned slightly at what they saw.

Lara, sat cross legged on the bed that the two share, with Y/n's guitar in her hands. Her head jerked up and her face flushed red as Y/n entered.

"Hey babe... What are you uh... What are you doing?" Y/n asked, grinning at Lara's embarrassed face.

"I was... listening to music." She answered confidently. Y/n let out a small scoff and sat next to her, hugging her from the side and giving her a peck on the cheek to hopefully cure some of Lara's embarrassment.

"What are you actually doing?" They asked, smirking at her. Lara sighed, looking slightly defeated.

"Well I was trying to figure out how to play so I could surprise you, so... surprise!" Lara said to her partner, smiling to them after she finished. Y/n entrapped Lara into another hug, which she returned this time.

"Aw, thanks . I love it. How are you going figuring it out?"

Lara sighed, now annoyed at her lack of skills with the guitar.

"Well I was trying, but I can't get my fingers around the damn frets. I don't know how you do it." She answered truthfully. Y/n's brow furrowed as they thought of a solution to their girlfriends frustration, and their eyes lit up as they figured it out. They shuffled closer to Lara leaning into her.

"I'll teach you. We'll start with some simple chords." Y/n began, "Can you do an A Major? Put your second, third and forth finger on these strings." They said, pointing to where Lara had to place her fingers. She pressed her index finger, middle finger and ring finger onto the fret board, and looked towards Y/n expectantly, waiting for them to say something.

"Close. You're very close." Y/n said as they carefully moved Lara's small fingers around the fretboard. "You've just got the wrong fingers. And press a little softer."

Lara nodded at Y/n's advice, furrowing her brow in concentration as she awkwardly got used to the position of her fingers on the fretboard. Once she got them right, she looked back to Y/n. They felt like they were dealing with a little girl waiting for the approval, but to them it was the cutest thing, looking into Lara's proud eyes while she was waiting for a response.

They made a strumming gesture, and Lara did exactly that. She even didn't play the top string meaning they actually played the chord properly, something Y/n was honestly not expecting. They beamed at their girlfriend, who had a look on her face like she had just won the lottery.

"Great job babe!" Y/n cheered, doing small claps for Lara, who's smile widened. She carefully placed the guitar down, and turned to face her partner.

"I think I'll leave the guitar playing to you, love." She said with a small sigh. Y/n chuckled quietly, before placing their hand over Lara's holding onto it tightly.

"And I'll leave the tomb raiding and bad guy destroying to you. Deal?" Y/n responded, earning a laugh from Lara.


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