Jealous - Lara Croft x Female Reader

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Y/n rubbed their gloved hands against one another, holding them up to the wooden fire in the man's - Jacob, might have been his name - small cave shelter. Quaint might have been a word to describe it. Frigid was definitely Y/n's preferred term, as with the rest of the Siberian wilds her and her girlfriend Lara had been exposed to on their most recent chapter of Lara's escapades. As much of a supportive angel as Y/n was to Lara, they weren't exactly a fan of temperature, especially the below zero variety. Or that sodding bear.

Her eyes took in the room she was in, waiting for Lara to awake after she had been subject to a pretty bad injury after escaping a Trinity prison. Y/n's jaw clenched slightly as she saw Jacob sitting at the foot of the bed Lara was recovering on, as he stared solemnly at the sleeping woman. He most certainly took a liking to Lara.

"It's rude to stare." Y/n abruptly commented, the words leaving her mouth before she realised what she was saying. Jacob looked over to Y/n.

"My apologies, I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable." He said, and rose from the position he was sat at, and joined Y/n at the fire. The two were taken into an awkward silence before Y/n broke it.

"You must like Lara, taking her in like this, keeping her under your care." Y/n said.

"Magnificent isn't she? Strong willed. She nearly left me there, back in that cell, but helped me regardless." He answered. Y/n let out a small hum. Not hum of agreeance, but a hum of annoyance. She knew it was stupid to react to the man in this way, whom has done nothing but help, but couldn't help herself. She never imagined herself being prone to jealousy, but when it came to Lara, Y/n had learnt a lot of things about herself.


A few days later, Y/n and Lara were camping out for the night, cuddled up together inside a tent that had to be a few decades old, in an oil refinery that was probably a few decades older. What a life. They were making small conversation to pass the time, before sleep would take them for the night.

"What do you make of Jacob?" Lara asked, looking up at Y/n from her position nestled in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"He's alright." Y/n grumbled. Lara's brow furrowed.

"He's alright? He saves our lives, practically takes us in, and all you have to say is that?" Lara questioned.

"You sure seem to like him." Y/n responded. Not in an angry tone, just a painfully neutral tone instead.

"Well... yes, I suppose I do." Lara said, nestling her head back against Y/n, while questioning in her own head what Jacob had done to cause such a dull opinion for Y/n. She let out a small sigh and let sleep whisk her away. That can be a conversation for another time.


This was it. Lara and Jacob were pondering over a map of the surrounding area, making their final decisions on how Y/n and Lara would be able to get to Kitezh. Y/n watched the two as they pondered over the map. More importantly, she watched as Jacob inched closer and closer to Lara. Once he had the audacity to place his hand on the hip of Y/n's girlfriend, Y/n had seen enough, and stormed off. She failed to see however, Lara quickly tapping the hand off of her. Lara took note of Y/n's small moment, and thought it would be best to give her a little time before following.

Y/n didn't know where she was walking to, but as long as it wasn't where Jacob was, she was happy. She found herself sitting with her legs dangling over a cliff edge, and her arms folded. The view was amazing, but Y/n wasn't taking it in, too caught up in her own emotions. After a small time of sitting there, she heard footsteps crunching in the shallow snow. Footsteps she would recognise anywhere.

"Are you alright, my love?" Lara said as she sat down next to Y/n, taking in the view.

"Yes. I'll get over it." Y/n murmured, looking down. Lara frowned. Tentatively, she took a hold of Y/n's hand, rubbing her thumb over it.

"Can I help at all?" Lara asked. Y/n let out a dry chuckle.

"For a super smart adventurer, you really can't read people very well." Y/n answered, her words sounding harsher than she intended them to be. Lara felt a little taken aback, but continued to stroke her girlfriend's hand regardless.

"Well, books are much easier to read than people, darling." Lara answered. She racked her brain for something that could be troubling her girlfriend, piecing the dots together until it all finally clicked.

"Oh... OH! Baby, I assure you there is nothing between Jacob and I. It's just nice to get someone that is knowledgeable in the area. Purely professional." Lara said as she took a hold of Y/n's other hand, turning her to face her.

"It seems like..." Y/n began, before her lips were closed by Lara's in a long, apologetic kiss. Lara's hand drifted up to Y/n's cheek, caressing it, while her other arm pulled Y/n closer to her. 

"It seems like your jealousy is getting the better of you. You have nothing to worry about. I love you, and only you." Lara said, pulling away from the kiss. A smile took over Y/n's face.

"I love you too, Lara." The two kissed again, this time much sweeter, and more enjoyable for the young couple.

"Now, we should get going, because we..." Lara said, pausing to boop Y/n on the nose with her index finger. "...have got a lost city to find."

"And history to make?" Y/n joked, looking into her lover's eyes.

"Most definitely."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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