Once We Get Off This Island... (Lara x Gender Neutral Reader)

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Y/n never expected in their wildest dreams to be stuck on an island full of killer marooned men, ancient undead samurai, and the spirit of a sun queen, but here they are. Funnily enough, it all started from being a camera operator for James Whitman's new season of his reality show. Y/n was a little sketched out from the fact that they would be on a boat given their fear of the ocean, but over time at sea they managed to brush those feelings away. So much good that did. Ever since they crawled onto the wet sand shores of Yamatai, Y/n has practically been joined at the hip with one Lara Croft. The two had been fighting their way through legions of armed men in order to ensure a way off this island. Now, the two rest at a camp they had made, patching up their wounds.

Y/n unzipped a first aid kit they had managed to find in the shanty town they had just escaped from, just about clinging to their lives. Y/n sighed after seeing the contents of the kit however, as all it contained was some rags. At least they were clean. Lara watched Y/n examine the contents of the first aid kit as she hugged her knees to her chest, resting her head on her knees. She was sore, and unbelievably tired, but she can't sleep. She heard the shuffling of Y/n's movement getting closer to her, and felt Y/n's hand brush her arm, sending tingles up her spine, and the tiniest fraction of a smile formed on her face. Lara definitely couldn't deny her attraction to Y/n, but now is not the time for love stories.

Something they were both painfully aware of.

Lara extended her legs back out, looking at the cut on her right thigh that she had gotten from a solarii knife. Y/n noticed at as well. 

"Can I bandage your thigh? I'm fine for now, all I've got is some grazes, but you need some attention." Y/n asked, their eyes meeting Lara's. Lara wanted to deny and save the bandage for Y/n, but she knew she would need it.

"Please." She whimpered, still weak from the beating that she had experienced from the Island.

Y/n looked at the cut on Lara's thigh, and realised that Lara's cargo pants probably wont roll up high enough. 

"I'll need to pull your pants down." Y/n admitted quietly, embarrassed by their request, the blood rushing to their face. Lara seemed shocked, giving Y/n a panicked look. She went completely red. All she could muster was an embarrassed nod.

Y/n shuffled closer to Lara, and extended their hand to Lara's belt, undoing it. They gave Lara a look of questioning, making sure she was as comfortable as she could be. Once again, Lara gave a nod. With that, Y/n slowly slid Lara's brown cargo pants down her legs, revealing her naked thighs and black underwear. Y/n had a quick meltdown in their own head at the sight of Lara's thighs, before they began to wrap the bandage around Lara's thigh, careful not to provoke the wound any further. 

Lara's gaze was firmly planted in the opposite direction of Y/n. Her face was flushed red as she fidgeted nervously with her hands. Slowly, she began to relax, melting into Y/n's delicate touch. She flinched slightly and bit her lip on Y/n's hand touching her inner thigh on her other leg. Y/n was embarrassed at what they had just done, and sped up the process. Once they finished, they were so embarrassed that they couldn't even look at Lara's exposed lower body any longer, and left her to clothe herself again, something Lara also did with haste. The two looked in opposite directions, and an awkward silence ensued over them, the only noise being the crackling of the fire. This awkwardness was an odd occurrence between them, as they had become quite comfortable with each other over the past few days.

"Thank you Y/n." Lara said, turning to face her counter part. Y/n turned back, and when they met each other's gaze, it felt like all the awkwardness was washed away.

"Of course, Lara." Y/n responded with a caring smile. Lara shifted closer to Y/n, and leant against the bigger person as she stared into the fire. Y/n glanced down at Lara, and shifted themself to be more comfortable. Lara smiled as she lowered herself to lay in Y/n's lap. She watched Y/n intently while Y/n stared at the fire, seemingly content in this moment amidst the chaos of Yamatai.

"Y/n?" Lara began.

"Yes Lara?" Y/n answered as they still stared into the fire.

"Once we get off this island... what are you going to do?" Lara continued. She watched Y/n, and waited for a response as they continued to look into the fire, deep in thought. This was the first time they thought about something in the future in a while, given that they focused on the here and now while trying to survive.

"I..." Y/n started, still staring off into space. Lara watched them intently, waiting for an answer. Y/n looked down at her flashing her a smile.

"I am going to make dinner in my flat. It's going to be a nice, thick cut steak, some vegetables, and a tall glass of water. After I eat that, I might have some ice cream while I watch a movie on the couch. Once I eat the ice cream, I'm going to fall asleep on that couch while the movie is still playing." Y/n answered truthfully, giving themself a reassuring nod once they finished. Lara salivated at the thought of that food and water. It sounds so simple, but to these two it sounded like a night granted from a merciful god above. 

"That sounds amazing. Seems like something is missing though." Lara responded, moving herself further into Y/n's lap, cuddling up to them as she closed her heavy eyes.

"Oh? What's that?" Y/n asked her.

"I'm not asleep on that couch with you."

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