0. t.e.a.s.e.r

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[Finley's POV]
Adding the last couple of strokes to the third canvas, I look up to see her form slightly slouching. We've been here for well over an hour and although I'm quite a speedy painter, I like taking my time. I want to focus on capturing all her minuscule details, perfection takes time.

God took her time with her, so I must do the same.

"Are you nearly done yet Fin?" she throws her neck back dramatically, her breasts slightly bouncing.

"Nearly Ash" She fixes her posture, smoothing her hands over her wide hips. One hand holding under her breast and the other holding the curve off her hip.

Comparing her to my painting is offensive.

Even though I've been able to capture her magnetic essence and transcendent beauty, it doesn't even nearly compare to the real thing.

Her hickory skin is illuminated by the moonshine, highlighting all her dips and curves. Her dark eyes, piercing into me ready to peer into the abyss of my soul. Where she is stood to the bend of her knee ever so slightly, I've tried my best to paint her detail for detail.

I don't think I want to submit this anymore, fuck it's too perfect. Something about others seeing her so bare and in her natural element grates my nerves.

I should be the only one seeing her like this, my greed increasing the more I stare at my canvas. I am the only person who should be able to admire her alluring beauty. The only person that should relish her naked state is me.

My fingers dig into my palm, my hand clenching at the thought of anyone else seeing her flashes in my mind. I squeeze my eyes shut, counting to five before releasing my breath.

The poor paintbrush in my left hand, on the verge of breaking from my iron grip.

"Fin, is everything alright?" her eyebrows knit in concern as she looks at me.

I need to calm down.

"Y-yeah um, I'm nearly done" She nods gingerly, fixing her head so it's positioned towards me with a slight tilt.

I pick the canvas up, admiring it as I place it to air dry with the others. I know I told her three but I just need one more, whilst the others will be submitted as a project I want to keep this one.

I'll keep it in the attic, away from anyone else, hidden for only my eyes. For me to stare at it for as long as I want, for me to imagine and for me to treasure.

"That was the last one right?" I watch her stretch out her limbs, I take my teeth in between my lips before looking away.

"Y-yes...No. One more, It won't take too long"

I'm lying, this one will probably take the longest, but it'll be worth it in the end.

"Ugh Finley you said three not four, I'm gonna collapse"

My cheeks burn as she says my full name, I try to contain my laughter as she throws her head and arms forwards. She can be such a baby at times.

My baby.

"I won't be long, I promise"

"Last one Finley, the reality of this is starting to catch up to me" She waves her sage green acrylic nail at me.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about Ash"

As a fellow artist I know she understands the lengths that some go to to create a piece, she understands the concepts and ideas behind an artist's composition—the dedication and thought process behind the execution, and the actual accomplishment.

Faultlessly Enamoured (on pause + to be revamped)Where stories live. Discover now