Chapter 2

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The man told me to follow him.

"Oh by the way my name is Bia Nova Jamestown."

"Are you a noble?" He asks.

"There's almost no such thing as nobles in my world anymore." I say and he pauses in surprise.

"How are things run there then?"

"I think it would be better for me not to tell you. What is your name?" I ask.

"Ashel Cont Mathersov the 3rd."

"What's your family title?"

"Marquis, why do you ask?"

"Getting a sense of things. I may talk normally now but with the elders and King I'll act appropriately. Will you take me to your father, he's in charge right?" I ask. He pauses again.

"No. I'm the Marquis now." He says. From how he said it, people seem to be challenging his authority at what is probably a recent change.

"Oh shoot congrats. But since you already know how I am, I'm not changing the way I talk." I say and the doors open to a nicely dressed dark haired girl.

"Ash, who is that?" She asks in a high whiny voice. Instantly grating my nerves.

"No one you need to worry about. Assume you two are betrothed?" I say glancing at him. He nods.

"Well you can go calm her and get the audience ready as well as contact the temple and stuff. I'll go to the servants quarters." I say glancing at a knight.

"If one of you can lead me."

I get brought to a nice room and immediately close the door behind me after saying my thanks. I go to the mirror to check my hair and comb my fingers through it and sort of flatten it with water. Slide on a hairband and put my hair up in a bun. A moment later there is a knock on my door. I open it to a person that looks like a higher ranking servant.

"Headmaid?" I ask. She nods and I smile.

"What's happening?" I say and she frowns.

"Sir and Madam Mathersov wish to meet you." She says.

"Lead the way then." As we walk down the long hallways I glance around absentmindedly. We finally get there and she knocks.

"Come in." A deep but gentle baritone voice says. She opens the door, I step inside and my demeanor changes.

"Hello." I say bowing slightly. When I straighten back up I see a regal looking older woman in a purple dress. Blond hair with some gray pulled up and somehow weaved into a tiara. The man next to her is dignified in a black three piece suit. I turn my eyes back to her.

"You are so pretty."

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