Chapter 7

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The next morning I chose a green ready to wear dress from the selection they bought for me. It's quickly tailored and then we're off to the Royal Castle. Once again I'm met with silence from Ashel and Camelia so I continue my mission of getting to know Adonis. When we reach the entrance the coachman helps me down just as when he helped me up. I smile and thank him. I glance around curiously as we walk to the meeting hall until I spot a man and I pause, stunned in my tracks. The guards behind me stood as well. I then start moving faster.

"Miss Camelia, can I speak with you for a moment." I say peeking towards the leaving figure of that man. She pauses and let's go of Ashel. I quickly latch onto her and she jolts in shock. I gently pat her to remind her to keep walking. After we fall into step I whisper.

"Who was that man. Black hair, blue eyes with glasses?" I ask. She sighs.

"That was Duke Aaran Calan Caldwell."

"Is he seeing anyone?" I press.

"Not that I know of." She responds reluctantly. I smile.

"Perfect, thank you for the info." I say and let go of her arm. She frowns and catches up with Ashel. The meeting with The King in the beginning was pretty easy. A priest had come. I recounted the story of my arrival, the priest tests my power. I have more radiance than the pope. I'm declared the Saintess. Great! That should be the end, except it's not. The priest starts peeking at me.

"We can't wait to welcome you to the temple."

"Who said I would go there?" He frowns as well.

"Miss Bia. If you don't go there then you must get engaged and live with them instead." He says. A plan immediately forms in my head and I smile.

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