Chapter Three - Imagine

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Anna descended the grand staircase, driven by a determination to unravel the secrets of magic and tap into the power of sunlight, her goal to reach Serena, urging her forward. As she ventured into the study, a potent blend of nostalgia and intellectual curiosity filled the air, saturated with old books' rich, musty scent.

Countless volumes adorned the walls, each with a unique history, creating an aura of wisdom and discovery. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a golden glow on the furniture and books, offering captivating stories and soft illumination for curious minds in every corner.

Constance moved gracefully around the room, meticulously arranging and restoring artefacts, infusing a sense of history. Anna admired her efforts.

Constance's persistence was apparent in her ballet movements as she reached for even the loftiest shelves despite her petite size. Her keen awareness didn't miss Anna's entrance, and her welcoming smile greeted her like an old friend.

"Serena, you look so much better, dear. How are you feeling?" Her words were like a soothing balm, offering comfort and assurance in the embrace of this sanctuary of knowledge.

"Much better, thank you, Constance. I wanted to let you know I'm going into the city today." Anna said as her eyes absorbed the enchanting room and its abundance of knowledge.

Constance paused and walked over to Anna. She checked her forehead with her hand to gauge her temperature. Constance's worry for her welfare exuded from her, making Anna feel warm from the inside out.

"Are you sure you're up to it, dear? You had me ever so worried earlier."

Constance radiated a familiar warmth. She wished to hold her close and breathe in her scent but held herself back. She knew this action would raise suspicion and concern for her.

"I'm eager to leave the house and be in the city, Constance. It will not help me much to sit here and do nothing. Plus, the fresh air will be good for me." Anna said.

The smile on Constance's face returned as she nodded. "You are quite right, dear. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, Serena. In Arcadia, the possibilities for exploration are boundless. I love exploring as well. Do you have plans?"

"I can't wait to experience Arcadia... again. I... I've missed it, so being away," Anna said.

Her words carried a hint of hesitation as she maintained her facade. Anna pondered how much she could safely disclose without jeopardising her mission in Zara. She had to keep a precarious balance, walking the fine line between revealing enough to her confidants and avoiding suspicion.

Constance nodded, offering words of encouragement. "Great idea, dear. Plenty of fresh air and exercise. Enjoy your adventure, but don't overdo it."

Constance's tone remained pleasant, but her eyes held a knowing glint, showing she might be more perceptive than she let on.

Anna's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Thank you, Constance. I will be careful and take lots of breaks. Have a good day."

Constance patted Anna's hand, her warm touch a testament to her caring nature. "Of course, dear, have a wonderful time exploring."

With heartfelt thanks, Anna said goodbye to Constance. Eager to get out and explore Arcadia.


As Anna descended into the lift, she wondered how she created Arcadia. In her research for her book, Anna discovered 'solarpunk,' a captivating concept depicting a society harmonising nature and advanced technology.

Critics saw it as romantic, neglecting real-world environmental, social, and human issues and marginalising communities.

During her research, Anna found the quote, "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism," underlining the challenge of a sustainable and collaborative world.

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