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                           1982 august 24 Louisville

This was his night or maybe not tony looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair he put it in a nice slicked back style he looked fresh as ever. Tony couldn't be a chicken tonight he had to ask out that girl her name was Rebecca she wasn't popular but Tony had liked her since middle school. He looked at himself in the mirror one last time and whispered to himself "you got this". "Tony hurry up I ain't got all day" his mom screamed with her annoying scratchy voice "coming mom" he yelled back before rushing down the stairs. Tony and his mother got into the car before speeding over to the school dance. They got there in no time tony got out of the car feeling confident. He waked in through the back to his schools gym where the dance was he scanned the gym looking for Rebecca. Once he saw her his heart skipped a beat she was beautiful wearing a shiny blue dress. She looked like a princess all she was missing was giant white gloves and a tiara on her head. Tony slowly walked up to her once he got close to her he tapped her on the shoulder. She spun around her beautiful black hair flowing through the air "would you care to dance" tony asked Rebecca face looked surprised for a second before grabbing Tony's hand and dragging him onto the dance floor. Tony couldn't help but smile there were a couple of slow songs that tony enjoyed. When the dance was over Rebecca gave a small piece of paper to tony. As tony grabbed it his hands were dripping with sweat just seeing her made him anxious. When he got home the paper was drenched he opened it up and it had her number on it Tony's face lit up and he couldn't help but yelp in happiness

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