Feliciano #1

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Because of Lovi being the angrier one of the too it's a surprise when Feli actually gets angry. Depending on his level of anger is how he acts. Typically he gets no farther than crying, as he is of course an angry crier, but he has been known to be spiteful angry and breaking things angry.
He got really angry once when Ludwig forgot their anniversary and purposely ignored him and intentionally broke little things around the house making it look like an accident. Ludwig eventually figured out what was going on and reprimanded him for being childish but did apologize for forgetting the important day.
He has thrown a plate at Lovi before for saying his cooking wasn't as good as normal as well. The only other notible moment which was one of the only times Feli has put his hand on someone was when Francis brought up, in a teasing way button pushing kind of way, that Feli was finally over Otto but he initially wouldn't have thought he would have picked Ludwig, also staying Feli must have a type: stoic blondes with blue eyes.
Ludwig was present to witness and have to pull Feli away from pulling Francis's hair out. Neither Francis or Ludwig are quite sure about why exactly this set Feli off and Ludwig wasn't comfortable with seeing Feli like that.

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