Sexuality and Gender Identities (1p and 2p)

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Most of the 1ps are pretty straight (ha) forward but I will go down the list, I will not get every nation as there are so many. If you want one I missed comment and I will add it. I will focus on G7/8 and add a couple extras. Sexualities and gender identities by no means translate to real life country counterparts, or their views on the LGBT+ community, they are based soully on characters. Also I use Bi and Pan interchangeably as to me they are the same thing. Just depends on your flag color choice really. Cisgender isn't an insult. Clothing and makeup choice as nothing to do with gender identity but will be noted if it differs from traditional gender identity norms. If romantic views differ from sexual ones will be noted if there is one there assume it's for both sexual and romantic.

Alfred- Pan, cisgender
Allen- Pan, cisgender (has been rumored to cross dress on occasion)

Roderich- Demibi (has a female preference), cisgender (Elizaveta has made him crossdress for costumes before, he's only okay with it when it's her idea)
Roland- Bi, cisgender

Matthew- Pan, non-binary (He/they pronouns)
Matt- Pan, cisgender

Yao- Demibi, cisgender (has crossdressed on occasion)
Xiao- Bi (male preference), cisgender (has crossed more than once in his life)

Arthur- Demibi, cisgender (has been known to wear makeup from time to time, not obvious just natural colors)
Oliver- Bi, cisgender (has crossdressed and worn make up before)

Francis- Pan, non-binary (He/they)
Francois- Demiromantic, pansexual, cisgender

Ludwig- Demibi (thought he was straight until he met Feli), cisgender
Lutz- Pan/bi (he doesn't care what you call it); cisgender (Won't deny having tried in at least one miniskirt before, doesn't find he looks appealing in them though)

Elizaveta- Pan, genderfluid (thought they were a man growing up, perfectly happy living as a woman today, will sometimes go back to masculine pronouns, very good at keeping everyone up to date; takes no offense of wrong pronouns are used)
Erzsebet- Aromantic, straight, cisgender

Kiku- Demibi, cisgender
Kuro- Demiromantic, (chaotic) pan, non-binary (He/they)

North Italy
Feliciano- Pan; demiboy (He/they pronouns, will still on occasion wear women's clothes; also probably the best place to put this- he knew he was people thought he was a girl when he was younger, he just didn't care to correct them as he felt it didn't matter)
Luciano- Demibi (thought for ages he was a sexually repulsed demiromantic, asexual-- Lutz made him realize that was not the case; he's just sexually repulsed with anyone other than Lutz), cisgender (you try to put him in a dress or skirt even jokingly and he will cut you, he does have an eye for cute women's tops and boots though; not that he would admit this; on the flip side from Feli he was forced to dress and act as girl as a child once he started working for Roland and Erzsebet so he has more than a little trauma with stepping out of his masculine comfort zone)

South Italy
Lovino- Bi, demiboy (He/they, wears women's clothes much less than Feli does but sometimes feels the need to wear a cute skirt or dress)
Flavio- Bi (masc-lean), Genderfluid (He/him pronouns usually; tries to keep everyone up to date if he changes them; takes offense when wrong pronouns are used)

Gilbert- Pan, cisgender (will 100% rock a miniskirt though if he feels so inclined)
Gilen- Demipan, non-binary (he/they)

Ivan- Demipan, cisgender
Viktor- Demipan, cisgender

Antonio- Pan, cisgender (will also 100% rock a miniskirt if he feels so inclined)
Andres- Demiromantic, pansexual, cisgender

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