Luciano #2

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For Luciano sheathing a weapon is different. It's sheathed to him if it's hidden, doesn't matter if it's safely hidden. All the knives on his person are are unsheathed as they don't have sheathes butare sheathed to him as they are hidden, if that makes sense.
He has been cut multiple times doing this, no scars (even from the bad ones). He can typically get them out without hurting himself. He typically carries anywhere between 12-15 throwing knives on him at once, not including Knifey, even in modern times. Back during World War 1 and 2 he kept about 15-20 on him, especially since he had more places to hide them.
Flavio and Lutz constantly argue with him about hiding them safely but he doesn't listen. If he would ever meet and stay around them long enough to get along, Ludwig and Feli would tell him the samething.

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