3. My Alice!

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Alice's POV


10 more minutes until today's work is over. I wonder if Grace is home yet.

“Alice, you don’t have to wait these 10 minutes for your shift to end. You can leave early.” Bruno said and gave me a vanilla muffin. “Thanks boss,” I say and smile. I go to the lockers and quickly change out my work clothes before leaving the building through the staff door.

As soon as I set a foot out the door, I felt watched, not in a good way. I could feel the eyes on me, but I don't know where they're coming from. I often feel this way, especially in the café when I'm working.

I start to walk a little faster. It is already dark.

Tap - Tap - Tap

Is anyone following me? I look over my shoulder and see a person standing on the street corner behind a trash can. My blood runs cold, I turn around and walk even faster than before.

I am scared.

I look back and see that the person was also walking faster and following me. I started running. I felt panic all over my body.
All I wanted now was to get home as fast as possible.

I run even faster, still hearing the steps of the person who comes closer.

Grace usually walks to the restaurant to pick me up. She says it's safer if we go home together. Now I know why she does that.

I walked the same way we normally walk, hoping Grace would head in my direction. I quickly turn in another street and bump into a person. I almost fell, but they caught me before I could hit the ground.

I look up and see Grace. She looks worried, very worried.
I couldn't hold it in any longer, tears began to form and stream down my cheeks. Grace quickly hugged me, brought me close to her warm body and placed small kisses on my head, as I continued to cry into her chest.


Grace's POV

8:13 pm

I look up from Alice and look directly at a person.
He followed her! What did he want to do?! Why was he following her?! He was chasing her, wasn't he!

She's mine, he tried to get something that's mine! Not just something, but Alice! MY ALICE!

I feel my blood boiling. He scared my Alice!

He looked at me fearfully. Panic rising in his eyes.

He will learn his lesson!

He tries to turn around but is held by one of my men. Two others covered his mouth and dragged him into a car.

A few of my men always follow me. They do everything I want them to do. They are the only members of my group that I truly trust.



I look down at Alice,  Still pressing kisses on the top of her head. She's still sobbing.

It hurts me to see her sad. I should have had been there. He would never have tried to follow her!

I could feel Alice shaking and pushing herself into my arms. “Let’s go home, darling,” I wispered down to her. “Mhm,” she murmured, as I slowly picked her up and carried her like a baby monkey the rest of our way.

I entered our house still with my little wife in my arms.

I slowly sat down on our couch, not caring about our dirty shoes. I looked down at Alice and kissed her head. Along with cuddling, kissing and complementing her, this is one of my favorite things to do.

I felt Alice growing heavier in my arms as she slowly fell asleep
She looks so sweet and innocent. It makes me happy.

I want her to be safe, I always do, but that night showed me that I'm not always there to protect her.

That's all for today
Have a nice day

-I don't know about you, but I love this married couple

(ɔˆ ³(ˆ▿ˆ๑)

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