Chapter 1: Juvie suprise.

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Thank you all for reading 'Like poles apart'. I would appreciate suggestions for the book cover.
Tnx and enjoy......
*point out mistakes if need be, but be nice about it*,

"I thought you were supposed to be the guy here? Why do you  look like you're about to pee in your pants?" I snickered as I watched Dom pace around the empty room.

"I do not!" He whined, stomping his feet one after the other as he clenched his fist

"Yes you do! You've been walking around since we got here." I pointed out.

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're doing something illegal!" He yelled "You could get caught!"

I scowled at him, urging him to lower his voice,  "Haven't you heard of the saying; 'use your inside voice when you're inside'?"I whispered

" There's no one here."He spoke,  crossing his arms.

"The walls aren't sound proof, genius. There's a hotel across the road so if you don't want to go to jail this time around........shut the hell up!" I whisper-yelled.

Silence enveloped the room with a background noise of the chair I presently work on,  scrapping the tiled floors of the popular 'Lalatouille' restaurant.

"What exactly are you doing?" He asked

"I'm dancing salsa, Dom." I replied sardonically

He rolled his eyes "This is not the time to be sarcastic, Mira. Why are you messing with the tables and chairs?"

I sighed "I overhead Mateo telling his friends that he's bringing Bella here for a date at this particular table."

He stared at me dumbly. "I told you I was over her!"

"Yeah..but it doesn't change the fact that she cheated on you with that.......thing," I replied,  trying to defend my actions as I visibly shuddered

Dom chuckled "He was your crush,  Em."

"Not anymore!......... I was dumb to have a crush on him." I concluded, shaking my head vociferously.

Dom frowned at that. He walked forward and knelt down beside me;
"It's not your fault that he's an a**hole."

I smiled,  "I guess it's not"

"For you to have a crush on him, he got way to lucky. I'll kill to make you have a crush on me" He laughed.
I wrinkled my nose,  feeling disgusted by the idea.

"With what I've seen you do?..... It'll be a nightmare." I scrunched up my face when he poked my cheek and ruffled my hair.
With a laugh,  we stood up to leave when we heard the back door pop open.

" Freeze "

We froze. Hands up,  legs in place and our back to whoever was behind us.


"Jail!!!!????" My mom's screech made me pull the phone away from my ear.

"Juvie, mom. Not Jail" I corrected.

"As far as you're locked up in a cell,  it's jail. How many times do I have to repeat myself,  Mira? I'm struggling here. The least you could do is not get into trouble."

I almost scoffed

"Just come here in two hours to bail me out"


I'd mastered every thing in the cell.

From the way the bed creaked by itself due to it's unsteadiness to the little blood stain on the sheets to the number of holes on the wall to the number of spiders on the ceiling and the chips on the walls and entirely the whole place.

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